Chapter 5: An Exorcism?

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After Sub-Zero agreed, Sub-Zero lifted Kitana and carried her bridal style. Raiden then teleported himself, Sub-Zero, Kitana, Frost, and some of the Lin Kuei to his sky temple where Fujin and Bo' Rai Cho stood near a weird stone table with even weirder marks and symbols on it and lit candles surrounding it. They all (except for Kitana) looked around confused all wondering the same thing 'what is this place?' , Raiden answered their question.

-"This is the room where I will be cleansing any of the revenants that we come into contact with, IF the cure works"Raiden explained.
Frost looked at Sub-Zero who was still holding the unconscious Kitana, she noticed that his grip on Kitana tightened and for once she read his expression that was saying 'even though he agreed to this he was still concerned and wished he didn't agree with this in the first place, but was willing to do what was best or so he thought'. Frost's eyes narrowed by the sight and she thought to herself 'Just what is so special about her that she makes my brother so worried?! Well he has always had a heart, he would act the same for me...'

-"Go ahead and put her on the table" Raiden instructed. Sub-Zero nodded and followed his instructions, he softly layed her on top of it.

-"What happens now?" Sub-Zero said trying his best to sound monotone.

-"Now I cleanse Kitana...hopefully" Raiden muttered the last part, but Sub-Zero heard it loud and clear, he gulped fearing the worst for her.

-" this like a exorcism?" Frost asked.

-"Frost!" Sub-Zero shouted, making Kitana flinch a little. Everyone stared at at Kitana then at Sub-Zero and Frost.

-"What!? I was just wondering." Frost replied pouting and crossing her arms.

-"No Sub-Zero it is ok and yes if you wish call it that you may, Frost" Raiden calmly said.

After all that it was time, Raiden grabbed a bowl and did a mixture of some healing herbs and soul elixir. Soon Raiden grabbed Kitana's hands, cut her palms and put the mixture in the cuts then covered them up with elemental stones. He held her hands, his fingers started to glow white/blue with electricity coming out of them and said a very strange chant that they all (even Fujin and Bo' Rai Cho) have never heard him say or heard at all. What happened next surprised all of them including Raiden. Kitana started floating, her eyes starting to glow and she turned from her 'Dark Empress' form to her 'Revenant' form to her 'Tournament' form. There was a blinding bright burst of light that was shot out of Kitana, everyone covered their eyes and when it was over they looked back up at her. Soon after she softly landed back on the table and soon passed out completely. Sub-Zero ran to her to see if she was ok but she wouldn't wake up, on the bright side she was breathing, Sub-Zero sighed in relief. Frost just rolled her eyes then, closed them, put her forefinger and thumb on the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

Later in the Lin Kuei~
After Sub-Zero put Kitana in bed he watched her making sure she was breathing steadily, Raiden walked in.

-"Sub-Zero?" Raiden said.

-"Yes Lord Raiden?" Sub-Zero simply asked shifting his gaze from Kitana to Raiden who was near the door.

-"I need a word with you" Raiden simply stated.
They both walked into the hallway.

-"What is it Lord Raiden?" Sub-Zero asked Raiden.

-"I'll trust that you will take care of Kitana until she awakens?"

-"Yes, it will be my honor."

-"Speaking of honor, when she awakes please contact me immediately" Raiden said urgently.

-" not mean to sound rude but what does that have to do with honor?" Sub-Zero asked raising an eyebrow.

-"I want you to train her and let her regain her honor and let her repay for any damage she has caused you, your warriors, or your temple"
And with that Raiden disappeared in a lightning flash, leaving a speechless Sub-Zero and a furious Frost behind.

Before Sub and Raiden Started talking, Frost's room~

'Ugh!' Frost thought while she stomped into her room. 'So not fair why did Kuai bring her back, he could've just left her at the Sky Temple.'

She continued on thinking to herself while she flopped onto her bed.
'I mean Raiden or Fujin or even Bo' Rai Cho could watch her right? C'mon, yeah they're busy but so is my bro, they act like he has a free schedule or has plenty of time for them, those stupid gods! Speaking of gods I wonder if Raiden is still here, maybe him and Kuai are talking about future plans about Kitana and her leaving already.'
Frost smirked at her devious plan and snuck into the hallway where many spare chambers were located. As Frost peeked around the corner she saw Raiden enter the room, she couldn't see or hear anything. 'Shit! I should get closer, maybe then I could hear better' Right when Frost was about to step out she saw Raiden and Sub-Zero exit the room to talk. As she "over heard" their conversation she got angrier by the second. Once she heard thunder she knew their talk was over, she walked back to her room not even bothering to see her brother's expression but knew hers wasn't a nice one...

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