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The charity function.

Vald Evans.  *pov*

The charity event that was the first thing came to my mind the moment I woke up.

I started to think of a plan to get get rid of this function. But all in vain.After a long thinking seccion I got one brilliant idea. I took the phone from the table stand next to my bed and dailed mom's number.

"Hey mom" I said while getting up from the bed and heading out of my room.

"Is this really you?" She asked. And yeah with the most sarcastic tone.

"Mom....." I said. While walking to my library.

"Yes tell me what made you call me so early?" She asked and that's when I put my plan in action or let's say words.

"Mom I don't want to scare you but I think i fractured my leg yesterday night when I was playing football I guess I won't be able to attain the charity event today" I said.

"Oh is that so but from where I can see your legs looks better to me infact it looks just perfect" she said and I was confused and that's when I heard some one clear their throat and that was non other than my mom. Damn I was dead now.

"So about that leg of yours" she asked raising one eyebrow.

"Mom....I- I..." I did my best to speak.

"Mr. Vald Evans if you don't come to that charity function which is held in your own gardens exactly at 11 am I'm going to make sure your both legs gets fractured real bad" she threatened  me and went out of the library banging the door.

"Great....and I thought this was my home and hell to the security I'm totally fireing them once I deal with mom" I said to myself yeah I have indeed gone crazy.

I got all suited up as usual and reached the venue I could not believe it was my garden as it was changed completely.

I searched for mom and when I spotted her I jogged to her.

"Mom I'm here" I said and she just passed away rolling her eyes at me.

"I'm not glad" she said In a rude tone.

"Mom..... I'm sorry" I pleaded.

That's when the stupid camera men from various channels came to take pictures and I could not get a chance to talk to her.

After running behind her like a crazy 2 year old kid I got a chance to speak to her.

"Mom I'm sorry" I said.

"Darling is this boy bothering you?" Dad came to her rescue good but that was so damn filmy.

"Dad...." I said but they just went to meet their guests.

I just got busy with a phone call and when I ended the call I saw some one walking inside the gate she had her head down and she was accompanied by a lady who was in her 50's and she was constently talking to her but she did not respond. She was so tiny yet was tall enough  and had a beautiful frock that had coverd most of her legs. She just passed  right infront of me and did not notice me. I had a urge to talk to her know her......be with her.

Woah!!!!! hang on be with her where did that come from

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Woah!!!!! hang on be with her where did that come from. I shook my head and went to grab my seat.

Just when I was about to sit mom called me and I went to her and that's when I saw that girl standing next to mom.

"And this is my son Vald." She introduced me to the old lady with the girl.

She was still in the same position but now she was starring at her fingers like she is all alone and there were no people around her.

"And she is....." mom was about to introduce her to me when the anchor of the event asked us to take our seats.

I could not talk to her and then the whole event as usual was boring and my urge to talk to that girl increased even more.

I searched for her and spotted her just a few rows away. And she was still looking down to her palms this time I took time to notice her hair pulled in a pony.
She got up from her seat and started to walk that's when I followed her.

She was talking over the phone to some one and I stood right behind her she ended the call and turned towards me and boom.......   My world was upside down she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen she had light Brown eyes and a beautiful face a very soft skin. She had no make up not even the thing they apply on the eyes she was just plain.

"Name?" Was all I could ask her.

And she just left without even saying a word. She really was something.

And I was loosing myself around her. I was falling for her and my god I was falling real bad.


Woah done with the chapter...

How was it??

That pink dress is what Snow wore for the charity event.


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