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Thank you so much uzanu123 for votes.

I request all my silent readers to vote too..

I felt a little awkward when they all looked at me like that.

"Ummm I'm sorry I heard the conversation. Yeah but they are lovely people and also my friends so you will be just fine." I assured them.

That's when the kids ran out I guess they wanted to talk to Jenny and I was glad as I was  alone with Snow.

"Why were you not adopted?" I asked her while she packed the kids bags.

"You want something?" She asked me.

"Why do you always ignore my questions" I asked her.

She was silent again. God what is her problem.

"I asked you something" I said and that's when a girl came running and said some people have come asking for me and I guessed that it was James and Stephen.

I went back to the living room and I saw them.

"Hey there" James said.

"Hi" I replied.

"Are they the kids?" Stephen's wife Bella asked.

"Yes they are" said Jenny.

"So?" James wife Rebecca asked.

"I want a girl and a boy" Bella said.

"I always wanted two boys" Rebecca said.

"So then the decision Is done" I said.

"Yes it is" they all said in union.

"Well then Josh and Mike will go with James and I" Rebecca said.

"Rose and Nick will go with us" Bella said in excitement.

"When can we do the paper work?" James asked.

"Oh that.. Snow get the papers" Jenny said.

Snow left and came back with few papers in her hand.

"If you want them for temporary time sign the yellow sheets and if you want them permanent sign the Green sheets" Snow explained them.

"We are defiantly going with the Green one's" James said.

"Same here" Stephen said and they sighed the papers.

The kids said their good bye to Jenny and Snow.

"Don't worry you guys can come here any time you want" Bella said and Rebecca nodded in agreement.

"See problem sorted and now just be good kids okay take care of yourself and don't cause any trouble" Snow said.

The 4 kids hugged Snow and went to their new parents.

"Don't worry we will take care of them" Rebecca said assure Snow.

"Yeah...and even you can come see them anytime you want. Just give us a call or ask Vald to drop  you I'm sure he won't mind" Bella said to Snow.

"That predictabe huh" I asked her.

They nodded with a smile
Yes idiot you like her its written all over your face. My inner voice spoke. I just snapped the inner voice and just smiled.

Snow on the other said had the same blank expression. Man this girl.

Once they left Jenny hugged me and said  "Oh thank you so much Vald."

"Ah that was nothing they wanted the kids and you provided them making them happy I'll assure you they will be just fine" I assured Jenny.

"Oh of course they will I trust you son" she said and headed inside the home.

And Snow followed her when I spoke. "They will be fine"

"Thank you" she said.

"Do you always talk this slow?" I asked her out of curiosity.

No answer.

"I like the garden"

Still no answer.

I saw her looking at her hands again and that's when I noticed a strenge thing. There was a Trash  bin on which it was written CRADEL'S JUST TO YOUR LEFT

"Why is this sign on a Trash bin?" I asked her.

The moment she heard that she ran inside the house making me worried.

I ran behind her and saw her going upstairs. I wanted to follow her but Jenny did not wanted me to or that's what her expressions said.

"Is she okay?" I asked her.

"Yes she is" Jenny replied .

I so very wanted to stay there for long but I thought   it was better for me to leave now.

"Umm I'll take your leave now Jenny" I said.

"Sure son" she replied.

I turned and started walking towards the door but something made me stop and speak.

"Ummm Jenny can you do me a favour?" I asked her.

"Sure son anything" she replied.

"Take care of her for me" I said.

She had a shocked look like I was the first person who has ever said that.

"I will son. And by the way thanks again" she said.

"It's alright you said it already" I said.

"No this time thank you for treating Snow as a humen"

Thanks for reading.

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