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I woke up with a very bad body pain and and sound of some machine. I took a while to scane the room and it was a hospital room and I don't know how I ended up here again.

When I looked around I saw Vald sleeping. He had his head near my pillow and he was sitting on a chair he had held my hand and I don't know how he managed to sleep in such a uncomfortable place.

I did not wanted to wake him up but as soon as I tried moving I had a bad pain in my leg. And I could not stop the voice that came out of my mouth making Vald wake up suddenly.

"Oh you are up. Are you okay do you have any pain. You want something?" He asked all the questions in one go.

And I just wanted to know why I was here so I asked him that first.

"Why I'm I here?" I asked him.

"The house had a accidental fire that's how you got here" he said and that explained everything.

"Jenny?!" I asked suddenly.

"She was not in the house she had went to the market" he said and that's when I remembered everything.

"Yeah okay thank God she is fine and where is she you don't tell him she will get all scared and tensed" just when I completed that Jenny came towards me saying.

"Darling tell that to him" she said pointing towards Vald.

That made me confused and I did not wanted to ask what she meant.

"The doctor is here. He will analyse Snow's condition. Is that okay with you Vald?" Jenny asked Vald and the doctor looked at Vald like he saw something scary.

"How do you feel now?" The doctor asked me.

"I have pain in my leg" I replied

"Yes that's because you have a fracture in the leg" he said and that's when the room was filled with Vald's voice.

"What?! And you are telling now. Who the hell made you a doctor you are telling us now that she has a fracture" he yelled.

"No sir I had...." the doctor tried to speak.

But Vald inturupted  him "Now you have a explaination for this as well God I can't believe this you have only stupid excuses and not a treatment" he yelled again.

"Vald he had informed me just let the poor doctor go" Jenny said in a calm tone like she had seen this before.

"You are in deep trouble why didn't you informe me about the fracture?" Vald yelled again.

"Vald please stop" this time I spoke and I don't know why.

Vald calmed down In no time and Jenny asked the doctor to leave.

"Mrs. Evans I'm sorry for the fracture you got Mr. Evans I'm sorry that I did not informe you" did he just address me as Mrs.Evans.

"No no I'm not his wife" I quickly said to the doctor.

"You are not?" Doctor asked me.

"Just leave" Vald said and his voice had all the anger.

Jenny just rolled her eyes.

"What?!" Vald asked Jenny.

"You are scaring each and every person in this hospital Vald. People here are  scared to come here" Jenny complained and I was shocked.

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