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I can't believe I could get this busy my Snow House. I have around 30 kids now. It's hard to believe that people still abandon their kids.

But I have also known that there is a reason behind it.

Very recently I got a baby boy in the cradle. I found a letter along with the baby.

The mother did not mention her name but she had written that she was not able to give the kid what he wanted as she was very poor and also that she suffered from a disease and was scared as to who would look after the baby once she died.

I was moved by the thoughts of this unknown mother as she left the baby for his own good.

That was not the only case I got many latters like that. I then realised that may be even my mom had the same reason or even worse.

May be she was trying to hide me in the trash bin. May be she was scared of loosing me to some worse people.

It could be both my mom and dad who simply wanted to protect me.

My daughter Veronica once came to me crying as she had hurt her knee. When I cleaned the wound and bandaged it she looked at me and said "mommy I'm sorry I hurt myself"

I asked her why was she sorry as she was the one who got hurt, for that she replied that I was her mother and she knew I was  equally hurt seeing her knee bleed.

I smiled and kissed her. She then continued.

"Mommy I want to thank God for wounding my knee as I was saved with a more bigger pain. My friend broke her leg and she had a lot of pain. I did not go through that pain. I'm happy" she said that smiled and went.

I was too shocked  I thought that my little girl thought me such a big thing. I took all these years to understand this.

I was always upset about things that happen to me I never thought for once that I was also lucky that nothing bad happen to me. Thought I had bad things I also had some people who loved me and cared for me.

All these things made me realise how wrong I was back then. I made sure I apologized each day to God and my parents for being so ungrateful.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a kiss on my neck. I knew it was Vald.

"Lost again?" He asked.

"No found myself" I replied turning towards him.

"Wow.. that is good" he said smiling at me.

"Vald I have accepted things like they were in the past. I know you don't like talking about it but the reality itself had solution that I never saw. Thank you so much for rebuilding the house as the house has made me understand the reality of my past" I said and hugged him.

"I'm glad you did Snow" he said kissing my head.

"Snow" he called me.

"Hmmm." I replied.

"I want  another baby" he said and the moment he did I pushed him and ran to bed and he followed me.

"I'm not having another baby" I yelled.

"I swear I'll be a strict dad" he said trying to catch me.

"Oh please Vald you say that all the time. I already have 4 kids to handle including you. You missed the board meeting because you were busy helping Eric learn to catch a ball. I mean who teaches that to a 2 year old kid" I yelled while shifting my place.

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