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Thank you so much for the lovely comments and votes.
**Jumping like a monkey**
I'm glad my story is liked so much
Thank you guys..


"Vald no..... stop tickeling me...Oh God Vald please okay okay I'm sorry okay.. I love you.. I love you let me go now please" Snow said and was trying to get out of my hold.

"Not so soon. Say that you will love me forever" I said pinning her on the bed.

"You will love me forever" she replied. I kissed her neck and she started laughing again.

"You tell you love me forever" I repeated again.

"I love you forever" she replied.

"Let go Vald" she shouted.

"Nope" and I started kissing her senseless I was inturupted with some weird voice.

"What is that" I asked Snow.

"Your alarm" she said smiling under me and I don't know how but she quickly kissed my cheeks and ran away.

I went to grab her and fell on something cold as ice.

"Ahhhhh.... Snow come back" I shouted.

And when I opened my eyes damn I was in my room all alone and my alarm was pissing me off I hit it off and was still on the floor.

"Damn these dreams. And damn this bloody clock." I leaned my head on the bed closed my eyes and tried to relive my dream.

And when I opened my eyes I saw it as 8:30 and I had to pick Snow.

Shit .

I quickly went took shower got all suited up and ran to the kitchen grabbed something to eat and rushed to Snow's home.

Once I got into the car I dailed her number.

"Hello" she said from the other side  I signed in relief oh her voice it enough to melt me.

"Who is there?" She asked me again.

"Vald" I said.

"Oh hi...Good morning" she said.

"Good morning Angel" I don't have any idea how my toung slipped that word.

"I'm on my way will be there in 10 minutes" I said because I know she won't talk after listening to to the word Angel.

"10 minute?" She questioned.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Okay" she said and ended the call.

I mentally noted to gift her a phone I can't call on that telephone all the time to listen to her voice.

Yeah like she will accept.
Like seriously out of the whole world you fell for a her.
Christ you have lost it all Vald.

My inner voice said and I replied
"Yes yes and yes"

I reached her home and called her again. She picked the call and before she could she say anything I spoke.

"I'm out" I said.

"Can you wait for a moment please" she said.

"Oh Snow I can wait forever if you want me to" I said and Snow being Snow ended the call without saying a word.

See again a punch of
'I don't give a damn'...
From Snow to Vald.

"Oh I love that".

Waiting For Her "YES"Where stories live. Discover now