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Here I was interviewing Snow. But I just wanted to hear her talk she was looking beautiful as usual making it difficult for me.

"Snow what bought you here?" I asked her but just when she was about to say something mom inturupted.

"Vald that's not necessary"

"Mom it's my company. Do you mind?" I said her.

"Okay continue" she replied.

"So Snow  tell me why are you here?" I asked her again.

"For the job" she replied.

"There are no vacancies as of now so what I'm I suppose to do with you " I said.

"Okay then I guess I better go. Sorry Mr.Evans to waste you time" she replied in a instant and I had to recheck with my brain for what she said and thats when I thought  I messed it up big time.

Great!!!!!!! this is what happen when you try and be a genius around a intelligent girl who don't give a damn about you.. yeah that was my inner voice snapping at me and I totally deserve it.

"No no dear he has the vacancies he can hier a student as a intern infact he has not filled that requirement yet so you are simply perfect for it" mom said and I was reliefed.

"Okay then Snow you can come from tomorrow after your class end" I said not asking her further questions as I knew she would not hesitate to walk out from here.

"Its okay Mr.Evans I don't want to cause you any trouble" Snow said.

"Oh that should not bother you dear infact we would be glad to have you here you see we need young and dedicated people like you here" mom said.

She just nodded and mom asked her " which department would you want to work in?"

"She is going to be by PA" I spoke.

Snow had a blank look as always and she did not utter a word and that's when mom spoke.

"No dear you need not work as his PA if you don't want to you can take up any other department how about Strategies for Business development department and if I'm not wrong that's your main subject isn't it?" Mom explained her.

And I thought I own this company great...

"Yes Mrs. Evans it is my main subject and I don't mind working here as long as Mr.Evans is fine with it" Snow said.

"First things first you better start calling me Meghan and everyone in the office calls him Evans" mom said and I'm glad she said that.

"Mom's right call me Vald and I'm fine with you working anywhere as long as you are working in this company." I said.

That's when Mom's phone started ringing and she excused herself out.

"Welcome to the company Ms. Snow" I said. And she just smiled.

"Oh you know how to smile? " I asked her.

She was again silent. I got up from my chair and went to sit on the table infront of her. I bend down to her and said.

"We are going to have a date tonight I'll come pick you up at 7" I said and she looked at me and quickly looked down.

"I'm hoping to have one conversation with no inturuption and no silence" I spoke and she started playing with her fingers or I should say pulling her fingers she was nervous and I liked it.

"Oh I'm sorry that took long" mom said while getting inside.

"So have you decided dear?" Mom asked.

"Yes...can I leave now" Snow asked.

"Yes dear come I'll drop you" she said and stood.

I grabbed her wrist and she jumped and looked at me. She had goose bumps all over her hand.

I had never seen anyone have goosebumps when I touch. I'm loving this.

"Don't forget about the date" I said and let go of her hand which was red by now. She had a very soft skin and the redness was suiting her hand perfectly.

Once she left the office I felt like I was all alone again. The effect she had on me was not explainable I loose my sences around her but the sad part she does not give a damn.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my mom spoke "Stop scaring the poor girl"

"I think I was just taking a normal interview and I wanted her to be my PA" I said mom.

"PA... are you mad didn't you see she was not comfortable with that. I know your company fund them that does not mean we can force our decisions on them" mom said.

"Sorry mom" I could only say that.

"Any way take care of her she is not a people's person" mom said and who would know that better than me.

"I would love to take care of her mom" if she allows me to......  I wanted to add that.

"Good. Now bye my little baby boy" and she kissed my cheeks.

"Mom!!!!!!" I yelled.

"I'm a big man" I said.

"Say that to the world but you are still my veeboo baby" she said and left.

God mom will never stop calling me that and I don't want her to stop as well.

I completed all my work and headed home. I changed into something comfortable and left to pick Snow.

I had done the reservations and was excited to see Snow.

Once I reached the place I called her.

"Good evening this is the orphenage home how can I help you" she said like always I lost my sences.

"I'm outside Snow" I managed to say.

"I'm sorry who is this?" She asked.

"Snow it's me Vald" I replied.

"Oh I'm sorry Mr. Evans but why are you outside?" She asked me making me a little angry.

"We have a date remember?" I said.

Like always no answer.

"You there?" I asked again.

"Sorry Mr. Evans I'm alone at the home Jenny won't come untill night so I don't think I can come. I'm sorry" she said and before I could say anything she ended the call.

"That's it. You asked for this Snow" I said to myself tightening my grip on the steering wheel.        

I parked the car inside stepped out of the car and jogged to the door and started banging it.

"Coming"  she yelled from inside.

And once she opened the door she was shocked.

"Mr. Evans?" She managed to talk.

"Yes Snow since you were busy I thought we can have our date here" saying that I closed the door behind me and she was still in the same place frozen.

This time I will take answers from her. And make sure it's a yes..


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