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I woke up and saw Snow in my arms her face was completely hidden in my neck and this was the best moment ever.

"Good morning" I said and kissed her cheeks.

"You up?" She asked me.

"Yes" I replied.

"This is my best morning ever" I stated.

"I'll make breakfast" she replied like nothing happen yesterday night. I pretended the same way.

"Okay. I'll get freshen up" I said and went to the bathroom.

"Your clothes" she said from behind me.

"I'll get it soon" I had informed my driver to get my clothes to this place if I don't return in the night.

She went to make breakfast and I went to the bathroom. Once I was done I went to the kitchen and saw the dinning table set with breakfast.

"Thank you" I said while sitting on the table.

We had breakfast in silence and I enjoyed it.

Once we were done I made some calls. And Snow cleaned the dishes.

I ended the call and saw Snow was still busy with the cleaning. I went and hugged her from behind she jumped when I did that.

She continued doing her work without any protest.

"Yesterday was my best night ever" I whispered in her ear.

She did not respond but pulled my hands from her waist and started cleaning the place like I don't even exist.

"You don't want to talk?" I asked her.

"About?" She questioned back still cleaning.

"About yesterday" I made it clear.

"Vald you retured back after 2 yesrs and I did not wanted to make you upset by my actions" was her reply and I was confused.

"I was happy seeing you after a long time Snow. What actions of your's would make me upset.?" I asked her to clear my confusion.

"Yesterday night what happen was simply because I did not wanted to make you upset. So please don't have any expectations from me and my actions. Please I hope you understand" her reply made me angry and made me feel like a stupid.

"So you are telling me since I came back after 2 years you just wanted to show me a little sympathy. But let me tell you I did not wanted that. Snow you know I had been very slow with you I never wanted you to do anything to sympathize me. I want your love not sympathies." I never wanted to be rude to her but she has left me no other choice now.

"I'm sorry...... I did.."

"Goodbye Snow" I inturrupted her and left her place without even letting her talk or explain herself.



I had to do it I had to my action had built a hope for him and I did not want that I do not want him to be disappointed from me like others. I don't want to be a burden to him.

The moment he left I was frozen to the place I was standing I did not know how long I was standing there. I was feeling alone again like always. I did not wanted this but I had no other choice.

I shouldn't have said it I could have told him something else anything else but I said that. Oh God why did I do that why did I mess up everything with him.
All I do is hurt him I don't do anything apart from that.

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