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"Vald now stop acting like a kid. It was decided that I'll help dad equally" I yelled from the kitchen.

"He can't just send a driver and ask you to start working for him" he yelled from the living room.

"Vald please. Ok fine you drop me." I went to the living room and convensed him.

"He knows I don't send you any where with a driver" he complained again.

"Vald" I dragged his name.

I went to him and hugged him. That's the only way he calms down.

"Can we go now" I said still hugging him.

"No" was his obvious reply.

I stood there with him for sometime as I know once he is completely satisfied he will take me to dad's office himself.

And once he was all happy he took me out and we drove to dad's office.

After a long debate between my husband and my father-in-law they came to a conclusion that I'll be working 8 months for Vald and 4 months for dad and this calculation was according to Vald. Dad still wants me to work for him for 5 months atleast.

The funniest part was this topic was on headlines of a popular newspaper and I could not stop laughing.

"I'll miss you" Vald spoke and I gained consious.

"Me too. And you have anyway warned dad that I'll be in his office only till 3pm" I reminded him.

"Yes I'll pick you up myself" he said.

"You'll be busy Vald I'll go home with dad" I complained as he always miss something or the other to make sure he is there for me.

"I'll manage now go before dad comes down and yell at me for bringing you late on the first day" he said.

"Come with me" I asked him.

"Nah.... you know we don't visit each other's office" Vald said it again.

" I'll never understand this logic of not visiting the office" I complained as usual.

Just when I finished my sentence his phone started to ring.

"Dad she will be there in a minute stop bothering me. You can call her as well she is the one working for you" Vald spoke over the phone making me laugh.

He was still on the line for some time as dad spoke and then he ended the call.

"He thinks I'm intentionally making you late to the office and he told me that I can have you all the time once you are out of the office" he said making me laugh again.

"You guys need to come out of the ring for once atleast" I said as they are always ready to knock each other down.

Yet they are the best father-son I have ever seen. They always have each other's back. One wrong news about his dad and dad's company Vald does everything to take out the truth from the same source of the news.

"Kiss me" Vald said while leaning his head on the side.

"Come" was all he wanted to hear.

And he kissed me like I would be gone for a long time.

"See you soon. Love you" I said kissing his cheek.

"I'll be waiting. Try not to drain yourself. Love you more and most" he said and kissed on my head.

And I went inside the building and once I was in dad was standing there waiting for me.

"I'm sorry. I'm a little late" I apologized.

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