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Finally we are had a name for the little girl. But Vald wants to keep it a surprise and I don't understand why he wants to increase this suspense.

"Vald you will be late for the office again" I said as he was still in home.

"I'm on leave" he yelled from the living room.

"Again?!" I yelled back.

He has been doing a lot of it now he is always on leave for some or the reason.

I'm scared by this behaviour of his as this would be dangerous for the company.

But at the same time I know he will take care of it.

"What are you making?" Vald came from behind and spoke in my ear.

And I dropped the plate I had in my hand.

"I can't believe you are still not getting used to this" he said while helping me clean the mess.

"I was thinking about other stuffs" I replied.

"Leave this I'll take care of it you will get hurt" he said bringing a smile on my face.

"Okay now end the suspense and tell me the name" I asked him again remembering the surprise thing.

"Not this early" he was irritating me now.

"Fine then done" I said and went to the living room.

"Snow!" He yelled from behind following me.

And I did not turn back to him at all. I went straight to the room.

He obviously followed me there.

"Let her come back from  mom's place atleast" he said entering the room.

I did not respond to him.

"Snow...." he dragged my name.

I was in no mood to talk to him.

"You asked for this" he said that.

And turned me towards him and held me close to him. His one hand was on my waist and the other on my back.

He made sure I did not move.

"You need to get use to these things now" he whispered in my ear.

And I will never get use to any of it.

We got back from our current position when we heard some people talk down stairs.

They do that all the time to warn us that they are in our home and we both should stop whatever we were doing in our room.

I pushed Vald and set myself presentable and went down.

Once I reached down I saw everyone there.

Vald's parents Jenney and her husband and the baby Angel.

"Nice to see you all" I said walking towards them.

Once my baby saw me she stretched her asking me to take her.

"Awe... my baby I missed you so much. Did you miss mommy my angel baby" I said while kissing her.

"Not as much as she missed her dada. Right my princess." Vald as usual asked her daughter.

He took the baby from me and went to play with her and she being her dada's favorite went to him without any struggle.

I thought girls will be close to their mom's but I was mistaken and that my baby Angel thought me.

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