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    ****EID MUBARAK ****

To all my readers...
May God bliss you all with all the happiness.. ❤❤❤


I could not sleep the whole night like always and Vald had come to my room again and I pretended that I was asleep like always.

The first time I found him in my room I was too scared to say anything to him. But from that night he continued to come to my room when he thought I have asleep.

I was scared that he might do something but gradually I realised that he just leans to the wardrobe which is a few feet away from my bed and stares at me when I'm sleeping. Sometimes I even feel like he has sat on the floor I wonder how he bares the cold floor.

What does he gain just looking at me. It's getting really hard for me now. I had to think of an excuse to avoid the party. My thoughts were inturuped by the knock on the door.

"Come in" I said expecting anyone but not Vald.

"Mam Mr.Evans asked me to give this to you" she said and that's when she pulled inside a stand which had a gown that was coverd with a white cloth.

She left and I stood there wondering what to do. And after a long debate I pulled the white cloth and saw the most beautiful dress ever. It was just perfect.

I was scared to even touch it as it might spoil or get damaged

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I was scared to even touch it as it might spoil or get damaged. Looking at the dress I was so stunned that I did not even listen to the knock on the door.

"Come in" I said gaining my conscious back which was lost in the beauty of the dress.

"How are you?" Meghan Vald's mom asked as soon as she entered the room.

"I'm good Mrs. Evans. How are you." I replied.

"I'm good too dear. But I won't be for long if you continue calling me Mrs. Evans." She said in a sad tone.

"Sorry Meghan" I apologized.

"That's better" she said with a happy tone now.

She spoke to me for a while and when she was about to leave she saw the dress and I was doomed. What will I tell her about the dress and where it came from oh God all this is so embarrassing.

"Oh my my!! What do we have here! This is so beautiful dress. It will suit you perfectly Snow. I'll get someone who can help you with the fitting and everything." She said all that hugged me and left she didn't even ask me where it came from. I was of course happy for that but at the same time I got suspicious for why she didn't ask me.

What if she knew already that Vald.... Oh no no no!!!! this is so embarrassing. I'm definitely making a excuse and not attaining this party.

I spent almost the whole day in thinking of the best excuse ever. I walked back and forth in the room I don't know why the time was running so fast today I glanced at the watch and it was 6:45 already the party would start at 8. Oh God what I'm I suppose to do. Just when I was thinking of an idea someone knocked the door again and when I asked the person to come in.

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