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Means a lot to me. :) :) :)


Once we were in the office I felt uneasy again I just want to grab her and say that I'm there for her and I'll love her no matter what but I could not make her tensed I just can't make her hate me.

"The reports" she said placing it on my table.

"You can have a seat" I said her. She went and sat on the chair.

"You made all this?" I asked her trying to start the conversation.

"Yes" she replied.

"When did you get all the time. I mean you are busy with your university and this job it must be hectic for you" I asked her out of concern.

She looked at me with a blank face but I noticed something today I looked in her eyes and I could see she wanted to ask me a lot of things that's when I realised that her eyes speaks more than her.

"I manage" she replied breaking the eye contact.

"It's good" I said her.

"You want me to add any changes?" She asked me.

"No this will be enough" I replied.

"Okay then" she said getting up from the chair she took the file and was walking towards the door when she stopped and walked near the window through she could see her office.


"This...?" She said.

"What?" I asked making sure she won't get the answer she wants.

"This is my office" she said looking through the window like a kid.

"Yes It is" I said.

"But I can't see through this window it's dark" she said.

I was simply loving the little conversation we had so I decided stretching it.

"Yeah it's a window from which you can see from one side and not from the other" I said.

"Hmmm...." she said knocking the window.

"You liked it?" I asked her.

"I never saw such a thing before" she said still focused on the window.

"You want to shift to this office?" I asked her.

"No no no oh I'm sorry I was just amused with this thing I have never seen such a thing before I'm sorry" she said apologizing for nothing. Oh I love her innocence.

"But why do you have here?" She asked.

"To see you" damn shit kill me someone just kill me right now.

She looked at me and this time I could not read her eyes.

"Oh I do my work properly you saw it yourself you need not keep an eye on me" she said looking at me.

And I was ready to fall. Oh her eyes she looks so beautiful she had her hair in messy bun she had no make up like always she wore a dress that covers her body completely she was so tiny so beautiful I so very wanted to hug her and kiss her for the cute little innocent things she has been doing now.

"You are so beautiful" I said.

She looked at me and quickly looked down.

"Okay Snow. That's it I can't so this any more" I said finally not able to handel it.

Waiting For Her "YES"Where stories live. Discover now