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I hate these interviews and that too in my own house it's only because of my dad that I'm allowing such nonsense in my home. Damn!!!! and all this when Snow is here.

"Sir they have arrived" one of the maids said me and I just nodded.

They had selected my garden for the interview.

I got out of my room and checked on Snow she was still as asleep I slowly close the door and left.

Once I was done with my breakfast I went to the garden which was set for the interview.

"Hello sir good morning" the interviewer who was a young lady said.

"Morning" was my only reply.

"Are we ready?" She asked me and I wanted to tell her to just get lost as I'm really not interested in this bloody interview.

"Yes" but instead I told that.

"Okay then let's get started" she said in excitement.

"Rolling camera and start in 3...2...1" the camera men said.

"Hi everyone Good morning to one and all this is Maya and today on our show we have Mr. Vald Evans himself a man who needs no introduction." She started with those words and all I wanted to tell her was please go tell this to Snow.

"So the first question is how do you feel like being the number one business men and that too at this young age" she asked me like I did not know.

"Like I have always said I feel amazing and want to beat my own self and be a better one" I replied and I was already getting bugged.

"How have you been copping with the sudden market fall lately?" Was her next obvious question like I'll answer her that honestly.

"It's obviously difficult to cop with such a sudden change but I believe in turning a threat into an opportunity" I replied plain and simple.

"Have you ever thought of merging with you father's company as even that has a good place in the market" she asked and I don't understand why people ask me this question.

"My father and I are two very different personalities he has his way of doing business I have mine we are no way like minded. The merger topic is never been a discussion between me and him. He can do whatever he wants with the company and by that I mean he can even sign it off for me if he wants to" I answered and I'm sure dad would talk about this to me once he see my interview.

"Okay that's enough of the business life lets get to a little personal level. The whole world wants to know when Vald Evans is tieing a knot?" Even I want to know that from the only person answerable Snow"

"Skip" was my only reply.

"I'm sorry sir my questions are scheduled by my boss I can't skip" she dared to reply.

"Well then tell your boss to frame valid questions" I replied in the most calm way but I was angry like hell.

"Sorry sir I'll proceed with the next one. So who are you dating as of no?"  Dating yeah right Snow does not talk to me and this lady is asking about the dating.

"No one" plain and simple.

"We have been reading about a girl who is living with you everyone is talking about her. Who is she?"
I wanted to end the interview right then but I saw Snow coming out and I was too lost in her to react she was looking at the sky and as usual thinking she did not know about this whole stupid interview.

I got up from my place and walked in her direction she noticed me and quickly glanced at me and saw the whole interview set up behind me and turned around to walk inside.

Waiting For Her "YES"Where stories live. Discover now