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I had moved to London but yet I could not forget Snow even for a minute.

Once I reached London I called mom to ask about Snow and she told me that Snow wanted to move out which was obvious. But I don't know why mom is not giving me her address.

I called mom as I wanted to know about Snow's current address.

"Hi" mom said in excitement as soon as she picked the call.

"Hi mom. Guess what I bought you  Louis Vuitton  hand bag. I have sent it to you as you need not wait for it till I return" I said mom trying to get information of Snow.

"Sent me anything you want but you will never get Snow's address she does not want to be found. It was your decision to leave I did not say a word. Now that she wants to stay unknown why do you want to know her whereabouts. " she replied.

"Mom....please it's just a  address" I pleaded mom.

"Not any other address  my love it's Snow's address. You took a promise from me not to come between this love of your's and I'm keeping my promise" she said making me irritated now.

"Mom please you know how important it is for me to know her safety" I pleaded her again.

"You don't trust me with her safety?" She asked.

"Now you are asking me silly questions. Of course I trust you" I replied.

"Then leave it to me. I'll make sure she is safe. She is the only daughter I have " she stated making me a little reliefed but still I want to know about her place.

"Any way thank you for the handbag" mom said and ended the call before I could say anything to her.

My mom is totally turning into another Snow.

Snow has read all my messages but did not reply even once I don't know why.

"Sir your room is ready. Would you like to go to your room or should I call for your car to take you to office?" The hotel manager asked me.

"Get the car" I said him.

Once the car arrived I went to the office where I had to meet  "Bruce Grantham" who is the owner of Grantham Enterprise which is world's best construction company they have the best interiors and he is one of the business tycoon of London who has agreed to invest in my London Project. We both went to the same college and were in the same course that's how we know each other. We were not best buddies but, had each other's back when required.

I reached the office and went to the board room where Bruce was waiting for me.

"Hey Vald" he said once I got inside.

"Hey there. Long time" I said while giving him a manly hug.

"Yes it is" he replied.

"How is life apart from work" he asked.

"Mess" I replied.

"Your's?" I quickly asked

"Disaster" he replied.

I wondered why.

"Any specific reasons?" He asked me again.

"Girl" was my honest reply.

"Well then it seems like we both are stuck with a girl" he said making me a little shock.

"You and girl?" I asked him as I knew he did not like dating nor was he interested in any girl.

"Yeah I'm stuck with one. But not my choice it's dad and you know how it is when dad's are involved anyway I don't want to talk about it much and I'm sure even you don't want to" he made things easy for me. Like I said, not the best buddies but we had each others back when required.

"When do you want to start" I asked him.

"Now" was his reply.

We had a little talk about the project and we went to the site inspection and then left to our respective office.

It was good meeting him as he is a  business minded person he is  always into business nothing more nothing less he enjoys being damn busy and has no time for anyone not even girls I wonder why. But I'm sure he'll meet someone who will change him. Like Snow has changed me.

I was again drowned in her memories I had her picture on my phone and that made me miss her even more.

I decided to message her as I knew she would read my messages and that's more than enough for me. I wanted to say her about the deal I had signed yesterday by which I got to establish my work in middle east which was with one of mine and Bruce's common friend again.

I know you read my messages but never reply. I'm glad you atleast read them. Anyway I cracked the new deal and we have expanded our work to middle east now. Mom is again being stubborn and not telling me about your place though I bought her, her favorite brand's handbag it always worked but not this time. She want to make it difficult for me and I love challenges. I know you must be looking as beautiful as before and I miss you like hell. I'll find you some day Snow. Love you. All yours.... Vald.

I messaged her and was in hotel room and tried everything that could make me sleep but in vain. All I had in mind was Snow.

The only solution was I talk to Snow but I'm sure like always she would not pick the call. But I dialed her number anyway.

It rang once.....twice.....thrice...and then it went on the voice message and I knew she would listen to it.

"Hi it's me again I hope I'm not disturbing you but it takes like 5 seconds to pick the call. But I know you won't. I miss you terribly and love you like a insane.  Please call me once and I'll be back in no time. You have all the time of my life. Love you most. Your Vald"

I said and hung up I hope she listen to it I mean she can do that atleast.

I will find her some how  once I go back and this time I  will take that yes from her no matter what.

Wait untill you are found Snow.
Was the last thought I had before I drifted into sleep.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Small  chapter....I know! I know! but I wanted this to be sweet.

I hope it was....

I also gave a quick intro of my next book's character
he is going to be the lead of my next book. Whose title will be revealed soon.

Vald and Bruce have a common friend who is again someone important. But you have to wait to know about that person.....

Tell me how was the chapter and my next book's charecter.

Thank you for reading.




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