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Looking at her today was the best thing ever. Today  I'll ask her about joining the company again. I asked one of my maid to send her to the library.

Till she came I was looking at her picture I took today.

"Ummm..You called me?" I was inturuped by a voice which was none other than Snow.

"Yes please sit" I said looking at her long never ending hands.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" She asked and I gained conscious only then.

"Yeah I wanted to ask you when will you join back the company? I mean it's all up to you I don't want to push you just let me know" I asked her making sure I don't sound like I'm ordering her to join back.

"Tomorrow" was her reply and I thought I had made sure that I  won't sound like I'm  ordering her but her reply tells a whole new story.

"Like I said before it's all your decision you can join anytime or just stay at home and concentrate on your studies" I said as I wanted her to take a decision in her favour atleast for once.

"I'm fine by tomorrow and I don't have a practice of making decision for myself. I'm not good at it anyway" she said with a fake smile.

"Then start making it a practice. Starting from right now" I said her.

"Can I go now?" There you go again she just don't give a damn.

"No stay I want to watch you. Since you always run away I won't be able to see you properly. And just in case you have forgotten I'm still in love with you. I'm not giving up on you this easy. You want to make things difficult for me then all the best to you for that I anyway love converting threats into opportunities. It's Not like you are a challenge to me if you were you would be my wife by now but since I love you so much all I want is even your opinion involved in this. Take your time and I'm ready to give you all the time you want. But I'm never ever gonna give up on you I'm not planning to do that anyway". I had to tell her all this.

"Now can I leave" I could feel her hesitation in the reply.

"No Snow you cannot like I said before I want to see you" I said not letting her leave.

She sat there in silence and I did my work and did not forget to glance at her every single second.

"Why don't you love me Snow" I asked her as I wanted to know.

Listening to that she got up and was ready to leave but I went behind her and held her wrist when she struggled to remove her wrist from my hand I pulled her close to me by her waist I don't want to scare her but she had to listen to me in some way and holding her close to me was the only thing that will make her listen to me.

"Why Snow why is it that you always want to run away from this topic when you know how much I love you. You think all this is fake to you my love my concern you think all this is fake?" I was almost on the peak of my anger.

She was silent her hand were on my chest and and she was shivering every time I pulled her closer. She was too weak to fight me and loosen my grip on her waist yet she was trying.

But the worst part was she never answerd anything.

"Why do I always get this blank look and silence in answer to all my questions. What have I done to deserve your silence every single time. All I have done is loved you with all I have and here you are standing and not giving a fucking damn to anything. I'm so very into you God damn it!! I can't stand this distance I have with you. I know I scared you the first time you went through all that because of me but I'm sorry  I really I'm I would never do that again to you but you need to help me out too. You need to talk to me share things with me stay with me and atleast you can try to love me." I stopped to catch some breath and continued.

"You have got no idea how much I want to kiss you right now and make love with you. You are driving me all crazy you have no idea how I have been controlling myself around you" I just told that yeah I could not keep that inside any more.

But no answer again all I get is her silence. That's when a thought crossed my mind. May be she has seen the news about me being with every women may be she things I will do the same with her. Oh God how can I be so stupid that was it!! she things that I'm not good enough for her.

"Snow I would not do what I did for others this time I'm serious. All those girls were never what I wanted. I know it sounds like I'm a big time jerk but I just used them for my own needs I would not do that to you. I would not even think of it" I said her assuring her that I loved her she was no match to the girls I was with before.

"Snow answer me. Talk to me say anything clear it out please talk to me. Those news those images you have seen of mine with various girls was all my stupidity you have brought end to all of that nonsense I did."
After saying that I had nothing more to tell I was just looking down at her hoping for something to come out of her mouth.

"I don't know what you are talking about" after a long wait she spoke.

"About the news of me with girls" I reminded her she must know that as it's always the talk of the town.

"I'm sorry Vald I have never seen it I don't know what you are talking about. It's got nothing to do with me. It's your life I can't judge you. I think I would have done the same or even worse if I was in your shoes. I'm sorry I don't know anything. Please just let me go." Did she just.... she does not know anything I mean even after I told her all she did not judge me. Today I got to know why I love her so much.

"You are first person to not judge me. This is what I love about you. This is something new I have learnt about you. You don't want to judge people because you don't give a damn. And the sad part is you don't give a damn about me as well." I said her and I was both happy and disappointed at the same time.

"Please Vald let me go" she spoke again this time trying to get rid of my hold.

But instead of letting her go I hugged her I felt like I was the luckiest man alive. She perfectly fitted in my arms infact  she was coverd in my arms. It was just perfect.

"Tomorrow is my birthday mom has arranged a party for me she won't listen to me if I asked her not to have a party. And I want a favour from you. Please... please... wear the dress I bought for you. It would be my best birthday present ever. The dress will be delivered tomorrow please just wear it." I said while kissing the  top of her head.

She shiverd in my arms but I did not let go still. After a long time I could feel her getting colder than before she was scared now I presumed.

"I'm going to let you go. But please wear that dress tomorrow it would serve as a birthday present to me from you" I kissed her head one last time and the moment I loosen the grip she escaped and ran out of my sight.

I'm so very happy tonight I can't believe I was in love with her. She has changed me for good. She does not judge me she has no idea who I'm how powerful I'm even if she know I'm sure she won't give a damn.

All the girls I have met in my life has always been with me for money all they saw was my fame and not me. That's the major reason why I did all what I did. I dated them gave them expensive gifts got them to my bed and never turned back to see them because I always knew that those girls found a rich shoulder to cry on.

But Snow she is so different than others she has made me realise that I can also love that I can also be me and not just another billionaire.

This makes me feel like I'm a human again. She has done this she has helped me be a human again. Not everyone has seen me as me. But she has and I just can't imagine how it will be like if she loves me back. How it will be like if she just say a yes.

      *******the end*******

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