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I don't understand what made him think that I could try to kill myself. The life I have been living is worth finishing of but guess what I can't even do that as I have to serve people who have helped me by something and that will be possible only when I'm alive.

Just when I was drowned in those thoughts I heard a harsh voice. When I  looked in that direction I saw a entire glass door shattered into pieces and Vald was looking at it like he saw something in that glass.

When I looked closely I saw his hand was coverd with blood and a lot of it.

"Vald!" I shouted.

"What is wrong with you" I walked as quick as possible to reach him.

"Oh God your hand is bleeding" I said and shouted for the help the maid came running I asked her to get the first aid box and some warm water she ran to get it.

I pulled Vald to couch and made him sit his hand was pooled in blood.

"What were you thinking?" I asked I almost shouted at him for his stupidity.

"I'm sorry" he said he was sorry this guy is out of his mind why was he sorry.

"Now is not the time" I said him making  him silent.

The maid bought the things I asked for I cleaned the wound with water and wrapped his hand with a bandaid.

"What were you thinking Vald why did you hit the glass" I asked him after I took care of the wound.

"You" was his answer which made me silent what will I ask him now so I thought it was better to leave and I got up from my place and started to leave. I had taken only a few steps when Vald came and lifted me in his arms again.

"You have walked enough today" he whisperd in my ear.

I did not wanted to argue with him as it was of no use asking him to put me down he would not even respond for it.

He took me to the kitchen and placed me on the counter. And asked the maid to serve me food.

"I'm not hungry" I said as I did not wanted to eat.

"Yeah you are never hungry" was Vald's reply.

I just kept silent and had my dinner he gave me my tablets I ate it and he took me to my room again and placed me on the bed pulled the blanket over me and went out.

I tried sleeping and somehow I got sleep.


I had to act all normal as I did not wanted to scare her I have hurt her twice and I claim I love her how can I be such a fool. I don't know what I would do if I had lost Snow.

No no no no why does that thought cross my mind urrghh.

I got up from my bed and walked out of my room and went to Snow's room as it was the only place where I can find piece.

I went inside and leaned to the cupboards and just saw Snow sleeping and I was light again her breathing and her face are enough for me to be peaceful.

I went inside and leaned to the cupboards and just saw Snow sleeping and I was light again her breathing and her face are enough for me to be peaceful

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