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Jenny was exited to meet her husband she left for the airport and Snow badly wanted to drop her to the airport but Jenny said her not to accompany . Now she was in the house and had a sad face.

"You want something?" I asked her trying to talk to her.

"No I'm good" she replied looking at her leg's plaster.

"It's okay she will be fine" I said assuring her the Jenny will be fine.

"Yeah I know" she simply replied making me realise that she was not interested in any conversation so I continued looking at the files.

"I want to remove this" she said inturupting me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I want to remove this plaster it's very ichi and heavy" she said looking at the plaster.

"It's due for another week" I replied.

"Yeah but it's very irritating and I can walk now so I want to get rid of it" she said arguing like a kid.

"You can't walk Snow and it's good if the plaster is still there it will heal quickly and completely" I said trying to convence her.

"Do you know anything about wearing this heavy plaster and it's me who has it on not you" she was getting irritated and I don't know if it was really the plaster or Jenny.

"Only if it was possible  I would have taken the pain from you Snow" my reply made her silent.She never response for things like this.

"I'm sleepy" instead she replied.

I went to lift her in my arms took her to the room and placed her carefully on bed.

"Do you have anything to read?" She asked me just when I started to leave.

"I didn't get you" I asked  completely confused.

"Do you have any book?" She asked me.

"Oh yeah I have a big library. Since you cannot walk and you hardly like me carrying you everywhere you haven't seen the house yet but there is a library and I have no idea what books are there as mom gets all that. You want to go check." I  asked if she wanted to check it out.

"Okay but I'll walk" great she is again refusing to being carried.

"Only if you promise me one thing" I kept a condition.

"Anything" she was that eager to stop me from carrying her.

"If you get even the slightest pain you are going to tell me" I made the statement clear to her.

"Okay" was her simple reply.

She got down from the bed and started to walk slowly and took small steps I was right infront of her to make sure I see her face so that I could know from her expression if she had any pain. But like always she had a blank look.

"Almost there" I said assuring her that we reached the library.

Once we were inside the library for the first time she had a amused look on her face.

"So many books?" She said it to herself but loud enough for me to hear.

"Yes what would you like to read?" I asked her and I don't know why I asked that because I did not know which books were in the library.

She ran her figure on the books and picked up one and asked me.

"Can I take this?"

"You can take the whole library to your room" I said her assuring she can read anything.

Waiting For Her "YES"Where stories live. Discover now