First day of school!

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Your POV
BEEP BEEP BEEP- I turned my alarm gently and groaned. "Sweetie time for school! Remember you're going to a new school? 'Ugh.. School today- wait did she say new school?? Oh my gosh I forgot ahhh I'm so excited!' I thought and then ran to my closet to get my uniform on. I put my hair into a high ponytail (OR if you have short hair, ignore it! ^^) and looked myself in the mirror in the bathroom. I then brushed my teeth and did all my hygiene stuff. (XD) I then go downstairs, ate my breakfast, kissed mom goodbye and went outside to go to my new school.

I walked to the school grounds and saw a lot of people standing and hanging out with their friends. 'Hmm, I wonder why they are not inside?' I walked to the door and then saw a black haired girl with hazel eyes trying to open the door. I say, "E-excuse m-me, is the door locked?" She replies saying, "Oh! Uh, yes, it is. By the way, I'm Aphmau!" "Oh, okay, I am (Y/N). Nice to meet you though Aphmau." I said. "You too!" Then, someone bumped into me and I fell down. "Urgh! Watch where you're going! You bumped right into my friend (Y/N)!"Aphmau said angrily "Hmm, what a nice name." I heard him mumble. I got up and dusted myself off. But when I heard him, I blushed scarlet red. Aphmau looked at me with wide eyes. "A-are you blushing?" I looked back at her and then looked away. "I a-am..." She squeals. 'Why did she squeal when she was so mean to that guy?' "I SO ship it!" She fangirled. "Ship?" She gasps. "You don't know what ship means? It means it's a pairing! You gotta know what OTP means!" She replied. (One true pairing btw) I blush hard and then change the subject. "How about lets go get our schedules when the be- *RING* "Welp, there's the bell.." I say.
*Timeskip after schedule and then to home room xD*
We just got our schedules. And now we are going to find our home room cause we have the same homeroom! But we can't find it anywhere. "Ugh! Where is it?!" Aphmau says. "Need help?" A voice says. I turn around to see a boy with brown hair and light blue eyes. I reply saying, "Yes, we are trying to find our home room but we can't find it anywhere." "Could I see your schedule then?" He replied. I nod and give him the schedule. He says, "Well, follow me, I know where it is." He motions us to come with him and we follow straight behind. Then he says, "Here it is." "What?! We just went here!" Aphmau says, disappointed. The guy laughs and says, "Well, I'll see you two cuties later, oh and the names Laurence." He said. I smile and say, "Thanks for helping us." He nods and walks away. I then turn to see Aphmau drooling. "Ooh, does someone have a crush~?" I say. She blushes, "N-no I don't!" I giggle and then just walk Room 202. Wow, we are actually early! I sit down by a white haired guy and then Aphmau sits right next by me. I turn to the boy and say, "Hello! My name is (Y/N)!" I say excitedly. He turns around and says, "Oh h-hey! The names Travis. Nice to meet you (Y- Y/N)." "You too Travis! And oh also this is my friend Aphmau." I greet Aphmau to Travis. Then, Aphmau asks, "Could we be Not Alone Buddies, then?" I nod and Travis says, "Yea!" "Okay home room, we are going to go to clubs now, so get up and come with me." I hear a couple of groans and then I smile a big smile, because I love clubs!

After we get to the clubs, Travis gets hit in the head with a volleyball. I gasp and crouch down to help Travis. Even Aphmau did too. Then a girl said, "Ha! Now that was funny!" I stood up but then a boy said, "Katelyn, that wasn't very nice." She replied saying, "Well, if it isn't Prince Charming." He chuckles a bit saying, "So you like my looks?" "W-what?, No I don't! Ugh, you are always so annoying sometimes." She replied becoming angry. "Don't you have a club you are supposed to run?" He asks. "Oh crud! I should! Hey freshman!" "Me?" I reply. "Yeah you! Sorry about your friend there, but I have to get going! See ya later freshman!" She replied walking away. "Well, are you girls alright?" He asks. I nod and then he asks, "I never met you, what's your name?" "Oh! My name is (Y/N)! What's yours?" "My name is Garroth. Nice to meet you (Y/N)." "You too." I smile and then notice Travis getting up. "Ergh... What happened?" "Oh! You're awake!" I say and help him up. "Thanks." He says. "You're welcome." "Well, looks like you got everything covered. See you later." Garroth says and walks away. I then see Aphmau drooling. 'Wow, again?' "Again, Aphmau?" "Huh? Oh.. Oops!" I laugh.

This is gonna get weirder and weirder this year...

First part done!

Made by bloodstonepilots

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