Prom?! Part 1

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Your POV
I was walking around the hallway looking at a lot of posters from science. Even though it's actually a good thing I am not a werewolf anymore. I then saw a poster that said: 'PROM! Everyone from freshman to senior is welcome!' Huh? How can freshman can come to the prom? Meh, oh well. I walked along the hallway and then a werewolf boy walked up to me. "Hello Alpha Female, can I ask you something?" He said. I reply, "Sure! What is it?" I asked. "Will you go to the prom with me?" 'Uh! Why did he ask me when I never known him?!' "Umm, I am sorry, but I never known you." He looks disappointed. "Oh, it's fine... Goodbye Alpha Female." "Goodbye." I said. Why did he call me Alpha anyway? Whatever. I go to class and wait until free period.
~Magical Timeskip~
Woah... So much werewolves asked me to the prom. Huh... I then didn't know where I was going and I bumped into someone. I wait for the pain but didn't... I open my eyes (since they were closed lol) and saw... Aaron?! I blushed beet red. "Uhm.." I said. Aaron lets go of me saying, "I'm so sorry, I just didn't want you to get hurt. How are you (Y/N)?" "I am annoyed by the fact that all the werewolf boys asked me to prom.. How about you?" "I am fine. I wanted to ask you a question." "Oh, okay. What is it?" "Will you go to.. Prom with me?" He asks. I widen my eyes. I look into his beautiful black eyes as he looks into my (E/C) eyes. I take a deep breath saying, "Yes, I would love to." I blushed after I said that. He did too, then he said, "Awesome! Well, I'll see you at the prom, bye!" He kissed my cheek. I blushed darker. I put my hand on my cheek. 'He, kissed me.. If only it was..

On the lips..'

Whew! Made it so far. Lol, I am almost about to come back to my home state :D I really want to play minecraft and animal jam since my cord for my laptop broke. DX
Oh well, see ya later wolfies! Bai!

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