It's been so long..

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Your POV
It's been a long time since I saw Aaron... Why did he lie to me..? I got up from my bed and walked up to the closet. I grabbed my uniform for school. I went downstairs and saw some chocolate pancakes on the counter waiting for me. I then saw mom cooking some more pancakes. I go to the counter and sit on the stool. I say, "Good morning, Mom." "Good morning sweetie. Everything alright?" "Yea.." "You don't seem alright... You're not eating your food." She says concerned. I look down from my pancakes and say, "I think I'm just not hungry, maybe I could eat breakfast at school..." "Okay sweetie, turn that frown upside down! Please have a good day." I get up and get my backpack. I open the door. "Okay, mom. Goodbye." I walk out and close the door behind me. I sigh. 'Now I have to walk there.. I'll make it.'
I finally come to school in time, go to my home room class, and ignore anyone who looks at me. "Psst." Someone said next to me. "Hey, (Y/N), you okay?" I nod. It was Aphmau who asked me. I look at her and she says, "Okay, have a good day!" She smiles. I smile back, but she didn't know that I smiled sadly.. But then the school bell rang and off to class I go..
Timeskip to last block
I walk down to Singing class to get ready for more singing of course. I open the door and go to my seat next to... Wait.. I looked at the board and saw that there were assigned seats. I saw that mine was next to Garroth. Hmm, okay.. I sit down in my seat ready for the teacher to start teaching. "Excuse me..?" Someone says. I look to my right and see Garroth. "Oh, hello Garroth." "Guess I'm with you today, eh?" He says. I smile. "Yep." I say. He smiles back. Then the teacher comes in. "Alright settle down class. This day hasn't been going well for me, so I will just let you guys have free time for now. I asked the principal, since she cares for us, she let you guys have some free time. Even though you guys I'm sure are tired. Now go, have fun, but no running or yelling." Wow! We have free time. Then someone raises their hand before anyone got to do anything. "Yes?" "Can we go on our phones?" "Yes, even laptops and games." Everyone in here says yes except me, of course.. I always love to draw and read (sorry if you're a video game lover, I agree with you anyway xD) "Alright everyone, talk! Socialize, read, draw, whatever!" The teacher says. Everyone starts to bring out their phones but some talk. "How's your day been going, (Y/N)?" Garroth asks me. I looked at him and said, "Well, it's been going fine, except when I tripped on the lockers and everyone laughed.." "Oh, sorry about that. And.. Woah." "What?" "(Y/N)... You should turn around.." I turn to look around and saw... Aaron... With.. Bouquets??? I gasp. "Excuse me, teacher, can I take (Y/N) outside of the classroom for a second...?" Aaron says. "Ooh.. Sure." She says and she knows what's happening. Every girl oohs and I get up. Aaron and me get out of the classroom. Aaron says, "Hey, (Y/N), I'm so sorry about last night. I was going to give you these bouquets when you were coming.. But that girl was kissing me. I'm just.. So so sorry." I see tears starting to form his eyes. I tear up and hug him. "I'm sorry too, I forgive you." "I forgive you too." He hugs me back while saying that. We break apart from the hug and smile at each other. And then... Something just happened that I wanted from him a long time. He.. Kissed me... On the lips... I kissed back also. His tongue touched my lips for entrance and I accepted. He put his tongue in my mouth and we played with each other's mouth. He holds his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. (He is holding the bouquets with one hand). Then i heard some "Ooh Aaron go get some!" Which made us break apart and made Aaron angry. I gasp and stop him. "Calm down, Aaron. They are just teasing you." "Okay, well, uh... This is what I always wanted when I met you.. So.. Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?" He asks me. I smile widely and say, "Of course!" And hug him tight. He hugs me tight too.

This day could never end.

Whoop whoop! This is done and finally you kissed! I'm sure you're gonna tell FC about it Reader~Chan! Anyway, I make bad kissing scenes xD. Oh well. I will make more in the future so don't worry, hope you enjoy this book MORE than you enjoy it yesterday! XD
Anyway, I have school now, which sucks. But <3 you guys, peace!


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