Cruise! Part 2

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Your POV
I woke up by my mom yelling. "Sorry mom! I was asleep! I'm gonna get ready!" I said loudly so she can hear me. I then get up from my bed and get all set up and packed for the cruise. I am gonna be so excited! "(Y/N)! Hurry up! I got you a bathing suit for going to the pool on the cruise! Here." Mom said. I look at the bathing suit and it was a (f/c) colored one. I blushed. 'Those are my dream bathing suits! I thought mom would never give me these! She always never gives me separate bathing suits because she thinks it too attractive!' I thought. "I think it's time to have a separate bathing suit now, don't you think?" She said. I gasped, "Finally! Thanks mom!" I replied. I take the bathing suit and put it inside my suitcase. I then get ready and go to the living room for breakfast. I then see Dad making some breakfast for us. I smile and say, "Good morning Dad!" "Morning sport! Ready for the cruise today?" He asked. I nodded and smiled bigger with excitement. He smiled back and got the breakfast ready for all of us. We then ate and chat for a while. After that, we went to the car and I texted all my friends that I'm going there and they'll be there too. I am too excited!

I then see the big cruise that looked so amazing! I squealed with excitement that my parents chuckled at my cuteness. I wait for my friends for a while. I then hear someone say my name, "(Y/N)!" I turn around and see, "Aphmau!" I went up to her and hugged her. She hugged back. "So glad to see you again!" She said as we parted from the hug. "You too! When are the others coming?" I asked. "Oh, they said they're in the cruise already." "What? How--" "Hey (Y/N)! Up here!" Said someone who had a low voice. I look up from the cruise behind me and see; Garroth, Laurence, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Dante, Travis, and a lot of other people! "Oh hey guys! I thought you were coming late!" I said. "Why would we be late anyway? It's not like we will stay at home and lazily watch movies all day." Katelyn said. We all laughed. Even someone laughed behind me. It was kind of familiar. I turn around and saw someone I love the most dearest, "Aaron!" I run to him and hug him like never before. He hugs me back and spins me around. I laugh and he laughs also. He then sets me down and kisses me. I of course kiss him back. Someone then cleared their throat. We separated from the kiss and look at everyone who was on the ship (your friends lol) smirking. I blush and Aaron blushes also. We stop what we're doing and get on the ship.

We had a fun time. It was a party! "We should go and play in the pool everyone!" Aphmau suggested. I blushed. 'What if Aaron saw me in my new bathing suit? 'Ohh. I think that's why my mom didn't want me to wear a separate bathing suit.... again too much attractive.' "Hello? Earth to (Y/N)?" Aaron said. I shake my head and looked at Aaron. "Huh? Oh sorry. I was spaced out a little bit. I'll go get my bathing suit on for the pool party." (This isn't love~love paradise everyone k?) I walk upstairs to my room that I will sleep in and open my suitcase. I get my bathing suit out of the suitcase and put it on. After I put my bathing suit on, "Come on (Y/N)! We have to go!" said Aphmau. "No! I'm gonna blush so hard if I show this to the boys!" I replied, suggesting my bathing suit. She rolled her eyes and took my hand. We go downstairs and I see everyone outside talking. Aphmau let's go of me and gestures me to go outside. I nod confidently but blush of embarrassment. I walk outside to see everyone having a fun time and still talking. I then see Aaron right in front of me, blushing. I blush so hard I could feel myself going to explode. I walk up to him. "H-hey Aaron. W-want to go into the pool to t-talk?" I stutter. "S-sure.." he replied. I nodded and smiled. We walk to the pool and look at the stars. (Since it's night) "It's so beautiful." I say looking at the amazing stars. "Not as beautiful as you." Aaron replied. My cheeks turned red. I look at Aaron and saw him smirking. I blush beet red. "T-thank y-yo-" Aaron cut me off by kissing me. I kissed back. His hands go to my waist and my hands go up to his hair. I then hear fireworks and everyone cheering. I am having the time of MY LIFE. I smile while we're making out.

??? POV
I watch while that girl kisses Aaron. I take a snapshot of it. Oh can't wait till I show Garroth this.

:0! Garroth has a crush on you too?! Find out more when I make another part! Hope you enjoyed! Oh btw Garroth wasn't watching you guys make out, he was paying attention to the fire works. Please star, comment, and follow! Love you people <3. Bye!


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