Garroth's Jealous?

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Your POV

"(Y/N)! Get up! We're going shopping!" said Katelyn. I groan and I open my eyes. "Urgh.... okay.... I'm getting up..." I say. I take the sheets off of me and get up on the side of the bed. I rub my eyes and go downstairs. I see everyone at the long table. There's Laurence, Garroth, Lucinda, Travis, Dante, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, and of course, my boyfriend, Aaron. I can't count so much people, since I know everyone, and I'm mostly tired. So I just go to my chair between Aaron and Garroth. "Good morning (Y/N)." said Aaron. "Good morning, Aaron." I smile and look up at him. "Good morning to you too Garroth." I say to Garroth. "You too, (Y-Y/N).." He replied, blushing. I smiled bigger and then look at my plate that was actually there before I woke up.The food was scrambled eggs and toast, even bacon. I started picking my fork up and eat my scrambled eggs. They tasted really good. But then, after I finished, everyone else finished before me, since I was the one who slept in. "All right guys, who wants to go shopping with me and (Y/N)?" asked Katelyn. "Ooh! Kawaii~Chan wants to!" said Kawaii~Chan. "Me too!!!" said Aphmau. I smiled. "Okay, what else are you guys doing?" Katelyn asked again. Everyone talked at the same time, saying, "Whatever we want to do." I rose one of my eyebrows. 'How the heck did all of them think of what they said?' I thought. I shrug that off and say, "Excuse me, I'm going to get dressed." Then I look at Aaron. He nods and everyone nods too. I get out of my seat and push it back in. Then I walked out of the kitchen and go upstairs to get dressed.


Garroth's POV

'I wish I could have (Y/N) as my girlfriend.. Aaron's so lucky to have her. She's so beautiful... If only she would notice me instead of Aaron.. Wait.. am I becoming jealous?! Oh.. yep... I sure am..'

Your POV

Finally! I'm in an outfit that's just right for me! Oh, yes, my outfit is a (F/C) skirt with a shirt that has (F/B) (favorite band) on it. And even my shoes are converses! I smile at my outfit in the mirror and get my brush. Yes I'm in the bathroom, if you didn't know.. I then put toothpaste on my toothbrush, brush my teeth, wash my hands, go to the bathroom, etc. Now that's my hygiene. I laugh at what I just thought and continue on out of the bathroom. I go downstairs, grab my bag from the couch, and wait for Katelyn. I feel someone tap my shoulder from behind, and I look around. I see of course, Aaron. "Hey Aaron, what's up?" I ask. "The sky." He replies. I giggle and smile up at him. He chuckles. "Okay, for real, I just wanted to give you a kiss cause you're going to be gone for a while of shopping." He says. "Aww, come here." I say and kiss him on the lips. Of course he kisses back. It was kind of a make-out session but it quickly ended by someone clearing their throat. We then look at behind us and see Katelyn. I blush red, but not deep red since it was only Katelyn. I saw her furious state in her eyes. "I told you to take your filthy hands off her. Come on (Y/N), let's go shopping." I widen my eyes but giggle and wave at Aaron. I see him shaking his head and smiling, but waving back. Me, Katelyn, and of course, Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau (who came along, didn't see the make-out session) go shopping, looking for clothes.

??? POV

I'm glad I showed Garroth that picture, cause he never knows, until he gets precious little (Y/N) here. But I should be the one to get her... FOREVER! NOBODY WILL TAKE HER FROM ME!

Who do you think is this mysterious person?? Find out in another chapter! But, hope you enjoyed this one :). I started a new story, but I hope you find it and like it sometime! I am really hoping you guys would like it since, I don't like when I make up stuff and I'm bad at making ideas at school :(. But, hope you guys have a fantastic Thanksgiving, and give thanks! Happy Early Thanksgiving people! :). Sorry that I didn't say anything for Halloween. We don't celebrate it so, yeah.. XD.

Anyway, bye wolves!


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