Prom?! Part 2

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Your POV
I looked at myself in the mirror in my room. THIS DRESS IS SHOWING TOO MUCH! I sighed and put my shoes on. Oh, sorry if I didn't tell you what my dress looks like, here it is:

I told you it shows too much! Woah, am I starting to be dramatic or something

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I told you it shows too much! Woah, am I starting to be dramatic or something..? Whatever.. I walk downstairs seeing my mom waiting for me. I smile and she smiles back, "Ready to go to the Prom, sweetie?" "Yup!" I say excitedly. She chuckles and motions me to follow her. We go into her car and then we drove off to the prom.
~Timeskip cause I am lazy ^_^~
I said goodbye to mom then went to the front of the school door. I heard some music in the background and so I was smiling. I opened the door and gone to the gym. (That's where the prom is at cx) I looked around and saw a DJ jammin it up. I saw a LOT of people around here. I looked around to find Aaron but he was no where to be found. I then heard some giggling unexpectedly. (Hear giggling when the music is blasting loudly? Wtf? XD) I walked to where the giggling was. I then saw what I never wanted to see..... Aaron with another girl.... I let a few tears drop and I run to the back of the school. I think I heard Aaron call my name, but maybe not.. I closed the back door behind me and went to the racing track. I sat in the grass crying my heart out. "(Y/N)?! Where are you?!" Said a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Aaron looking at me with guilty eyes. I stood up and wanted to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. "Hey, look I'm sorry.. That girl back there was kind and so she-" "What she kissed you?!" I interrupted him with a little of jealousy. Or maybe a lot of  jealousy... "No! Not like that I--" "You know what... I should've never came to the prom. Thanks for everything." I interrupted him again, walking away. "Well, yea! I hope to never see you again!" He yelled back. Tears started to form my eyes when I kept walking. Then when I was almost home, I ran into the house. I quietly opened the door since my mom could be sleeping. I then closed the door and went into my room. I changed my pjs and then texted FC about everything. He texted back saying, "I don't want to talk right now, sorry Shu." I was shocked. What happened to my two best friends..? I cried and cried to sleep. Why did I become so jealous of a troublemaker?

Because I love him

O M GOODNESS......! I finished the prom chapters! XDDD. Anyway, it has gone MAD for Aaron and (Y/N), what will happen in the next chapter? Find out when I come back to do more! Bye wolfies!

<3 ~bloodstonepilots

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