Singing Class?

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Don't play song yet! I will tell you when you can!!! ~Ava
Your POV
I had to get sent to the office? I wonder why... I walked down to the office and gone inside it. I saw the principal. She was a blue haired girl with light blue eyes. "Hello! My name is Sandra Montez. It is so nice to meet you (Y/N)!" "It is nice to meet you too Ms. Montez! What am I here for though?" I reply curiously. (Obviously XD) "Why you are here is that I wanted you to change classes. You are changing Werewolf Class to singing class. Even the kid named Aaron." I wide my eyes. 'Holy crap! I can't sing! Oh well... I'll try?' "O-oh, okay. Why?" "I heard that you were very good at singing. Wanna try at the class when I come over to check?" "S-sure.. But I'll do bad." "Not everyone's perfect, you just gotta try!" She smiles. I smile back, "Thanks Ms. Montez!" "You're welcome sweetie! See you in Singing class!" I get out of the office and head straight to Singing class since I am in last block now.
~Magical Timeskip o.o~
I go into class and then see Aaron... I forgot he was here too. I see that he was.. Staring at someone else? He seems very annoyed. I then look to see a boy checking me out. 'That's what he was glaring at? Woah, weird.' I walk to a desk right by Aaron and say, "Hi Aaron! How are you today?" "Oh, hey (Y/N), I'm doing fine. How about yo-" "Alright calm down class. Today we have a new student. Since Aaron already introduced himself this young lady will introduce herself also. Even sing a song. So miss, would you please come up front?" Says the lady with a green sparkling dress. I get up from my desk nervously and go up to the front. "Hello, I'm (Y/N), and I will sing you a song called 'Dangerous Woman' by Ariana Grande." I said softly. I then start singing.

You can just do the music and listen. You can pretend that you're singing it XD!

Everyone claps and woos at me. I smile and blush. I then see Aaron and he has his mouth open. I blush scarlet red. 'He liked my singing.' "Thank you Miss (Y/N)! You can sit down now." I sat down by Aaron once again and he said, "Woah, you were amazing! Nice job (Y/N)!" "T-thanks.. I thought I was bad at singing but then I wasn't! Thanks for being proud of me." I smile. He smiles back. We heard the bell ring and so we get out of class. Then something just happened. SOMEBODY GRABBED MY BUTT! I turned around and saw the boy who was checking me out. I think I did hear Aaron growl but might be hallucinating. "U-umm. W-what do you want?" I say scared. "You." He says. I then felt something around my waist. I looked down and saw Aaron's arm around me. I looked at him and he was hot red. Meaning he was mad. Then I saw the boy. He ran off... I looked at Aaron and say, "Umm, you can let go of me now Aaron." "O-oh.. Sorry." Never heard him stutter.. "Well, see you tomorrow! Bye!" I kiss his cheek and ran off.
'That was awkward of what happened before. Why did he hold onto my waist?' I shrug the thought off and skip down to my house.

omgggggggg!!!!!!!! Aaron loves ya! Love this song though, sorry for so much longness XD
Bye homies!
Love~ bloodstonepilots

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