Werewolf Class..

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Your POV

I sighed when I had to go to class. I looked at my schedule. 'WWOLF107? What's that?' I thought. Wait... werewolf class?! Oh, nevermind, that's last block. 'Aha! There's first block!' I think to myself.

Here are all the blocks:

1st block-Science

2nd block-Social Studies

3rd block- English

4th block- WWOLF22

I look around for science class then see it. I go inside and sit down in a random seat. Then, everyone came flooding in. When class started, though, "Everyone, we have a new student in our class. Can you come up and introduce yourself?" The teacher asks me. I blush light pink and get up. I then walk up to the teacher and then turn around. "H-hi.. My name is (Y/N), and I am from (insert random school here xD)." I say. Some people whisper things. "Is that all (Y/N)?" I nod and then he lets me go back to my seat. "Alright class today we will be talking about-" I don't hear that much then. I just look out the window, thinking how odd it will be this year.


I had to introduce myself 3 times today! I hope I don't introduce myself last block which is.. Werewolf class! Ugh.. this'll be awful. Why did I get in it anyway? I'm no werewolf! I'm just a normal girl! 'I guess going to this kind of class will be alright, I think..' As I walk down the hallway to go to Werewolf class I see Aphmau. "Oh, hey Aphmau! What class are you going to?" "I am going to Werewolf class! Weird, right? I'm no werewolf!" She replied. "I do too! I agree with you, though. But lets get going." We walk down the hallway to Werewolf class and then see a big fight talk going on between a werewolf and.. the same guy that bumped into me? I ask someone who is standing next to me, "What is going on here?" "Some new kid decided to get on Balto's bad side. He's gonna have a bad time. Balto's gonna rip him apart if he keeps this up." "W-what?" Then I looked back. I decided to check this out. "Wait (Y/N)! Don't get involved!" Aphmau said worried. "Uh, hey! Y-you need to stop 'cause if you don't, I'll get a teacher!" I say acting confident but scared. "HA! Little pup intends on telling on me?! You've got some backbone!"He walks closer to me"I-I just don't want anyone to get hurt..""HAHAHAH! You are in the wrong class if you don't want to get hurt!" He says. The guy who bumped into me sighs, "Isn't your fight with me?" "Don't worry I'll get to you in a minute!" The werewolf says. Then the guy throws the werewolf out of the window. "HUH?! Why did you do that?! Are you crazy?" I say walking up to him. "He's a werewolf." He said going back to his seat. "Looks like werewolf class is off to a great start this year." The teacher said, walking inside, while laughing. "Hello class, first day and we're throwing each other out of the window, huh?" He said again laughing. "Ahem, I know tempers can run high in these classes but the principal informed me that the school had to cut back on their window repair budget. Soo, we need to try our best to cut back our behavior, alright?" "Are you kidding me?! T-this is normal?!" I ask. "Okay let's get started, shall we?" The teacher ignored my question, wow.. "Uh, excuse me?" "To- yes?" "I think there's been a mix up. I don't think I'm supposed to be here..?" "Huh, really? Well let's take a look at your schedule." He informs me to take out my schedule. I take out my schedule and he says, "Nope, it says right here, you're in the right class." "But, that's impossible! I'm not a-" "I'm not supposed to be here either." The guy cuts me off. "What's that?" "I'm not a werewolf!" "Well according to this schedule you are. Now, everyone partner up with your seat buddy, so if anyone doesn't get partners, you will get thrown out the window." He laughs. "I'm just kidding, kind of.." I sigh and walk up to see if any other seats could not be taken, but there are. Well, except one. That's right by the guy who bumped into me, of course. 'Uh! Are you serious?! I have to sit next to this guy?! Uh.. well, everyone else is already paired up, even Aphmau, so I don't really have a choice.' I sit next to him and stay silent.

"Ughhh." The guy says. 'Uhh, he's really scary, should I say something to him? Wait, remember, don't over think this! You didn't do that with Travis and you made a friend! So, here goes nothing.' "H-hey, it's nice to meet you. My name is (Y/-" "Next time there's a fight, why don't you try to stay out of other people's business?" "I-I'm sorry, I just, I didn't want to see anyone get hurt.." "Ugh whatever." He says rudely. 'Ah, this guy is such a jerk. I was only trying to help.' I was looking out the window and saw Garroth and a guy talking to him. 'Uh! Did he smile at me?' "Hey freshman!" "Huh? Yes?" "Pay attention!" I nodded and then paid attention

Now it is getting weirder

Part 3 is coming your way soon!

PEACE! ~bloodstonepilots

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