Becoming friends?!

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Your POV
Ugh. Good thing Gene left me alone after I skipped school today. I walk back to my house but noticed.. that guy?! His name is Aaron.. that's what I heard.. Why did he bump into me anyway? I was cut off from my thoughts when Aaron came forwards to me. He just blushed. Why is he blushing? He then says, "Hey, (Y/N), I am sorry that I have been rude to you, so.. Do you want to be friends?" I think, 'Why is he acting like this?! I'm sure he is pranking me...' "I-I guess, sure." I then never saw what I actually wanted to see. He smiled. Wow his smile looks so cute.. Wait! (Y/N) don't think like this! I didn't notice that I was staring at him and he said, "Uh, (Y/N)? You there?" I came back to reality and then blushed. "U-um, I have to go.. See you later, Aaron!" I walk away while blushing. What I didn't hear was that Aaron said, "She's beautiful."
Aaron's POV!!!! XD
"She's beautiful." I said quietly. "Looks like someone has a crush." A voice said. I turn around and see.. "Gene." "Ah, so you know my name?" He said smirking. I roll my eyes and say, "What do you want?" "Just to say, I was hanging out with her and known that she skipped school. She could have a crush on me. So I would try to win her probably." He said. I started to get angry and then he notices. "Hah, I knew you like her. You're jealous that she's not hanging out with you." "Grr..." I growl being angry. "Woah, don't be so feisty now. I was just kidding about the "liking" thing. She hates me anyway. Maybe tomorrow I will tell her who she actually likes. It could be you." I frown and look down. (Rhyme XD) "I'm sure she doesn't like me at all. I get into fights a lot and I'm a monster." "Pfft, she'll like you, don't worry." "Like I'll ever believe you." "Oh really?" He gets out a picture on his phone. I see the picture of me staring at her. "Grr! What are you? A spy?! Stop spying on people!" "Hmm, maybe I could.. Nah.. I'll just keep this and send it to (Y/N).." "Oh no you won't!" I yell. Why would he do that? (Y/N) would hate me.. He almost a sends it to (Y/N) but then I take his phone  and smash it on the ground. "H-hey! Why did you do that?!" He said shocked but mad. "For your own good, I don't want (Y/N) to hate me." "So you love her? He says smirking. I frown at him but look down and sigh. "Yes, I do love her. When I first saw her, she looks so.. beautiful. I wish I could confess to her, but she'll say no.." "Hmm, hope you confess. See ya later." Gene walks away like he doesn't care what I just said. I shrug it off and then go back to my house and text Shu.

Omg so sorry ppl, I am on vacation (meaning I am in the car, I did this while riding in the car that I am in with my family.) We are going to Idaho but today is my second day for hotel/motel. Hope you guys have a good summer!
Btw now you know who FC is! But Reader~Chan doesn't know, even Aaron but I do XD
See ya later!

Aaron x Reader Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now