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Gene's POV
"GENE?!" Someone familiar said. I whipped my head around to see Katelyn standing right there, pissed. I widen my eyes. "What the heck are you doing Gene? Stalking people for no reason?" "Uh, um." I said nervously while sweating. "Huh? I asked you something!" She replied. "I wasn't! I- uh, just wanted to take selfies for m-my friends!" I said quickly. She rose her eyebrow. She looked back to where (Y/N) and Aaron was at. I looked back too and saw them leave inside their hotel. Inside I felt angry. 'That little Aaron going to cuddle with my (Y/N)? Oh that's not going to happ-' "Earth to Gene! Are you there?" Katelyn cut me out of my thoughts, snapping her fingers in front of me. I shook my head and looked at her. "What? Oh yes sorry.." She grunted, "Hmph. Whatever. I'm going somewhere else. I'm watching you." She walked away. I sigh.

Your POV
We walked back into the hotel and went into our room.

"I'm going to go out with Katelyn for a little bit. Ok?" Aaron said.

I widen my eyes a little bit but nodded, "Okay.." He kissed the top of my head and smiled at me. I smiled back.
I get out of the room for him to change, while I go watch some TV. I wait for a little bit and hear Aaron getting out of our room. Aaron walks all the way to the couch where I'm sitting. Then, something happens unexpectedly.

Aaron is behind me,


I blush so hard but it feels good to have them massaged. "W-what are you doing A-Aaron?" I said stuttering. "Oh nothing just making you blush since you're so cute like that." He whispered sensitively in my ear. I blush so red and cover my face with my hands. He chuckles and lets go. "Alright, I'll stop. I'll see you later, babe." He says. "Okay, come back anytime.." I say while looking down. He walks out of the door while I'm right here, looking sad.

'What if Aaron is cheating on me?'

Fudge. This isn't right. Uhhhhh. I'm going to do the running man challenge now. Bye frens! xD

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