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Omfg I am back pplz with a new and (idek) long part here

with a long spring break ;) <<< not exactly lmao


Your POV

I'm standing outside, waiting for Aaron to come back. Didn't he just say he's going to come back at 4 PM? Ugh, why is he hanging out with Katelyn? 'No, you're just jealous, Y/N. You need to calm down. Katelyn's your best friend! She wouldn't take your man.' You thought. Or would she? Nah..

Someone interrupted my thoughts by saying, "Hey Y/N! How are you doing lately?" Someone said. I whipped around and saw Garroth leaning by the doorway outside of the hotel (idk house?). "O-oh! Hey Garroth! Didn't see you there. I'm actually fine! How about you?" "Doing j-just great. So um, I was wondering, when we come back to school, what club might you be joining?" Garroth asked. "Eh, I really don't know.. Teony was thinking that probably I might be mentoring at the start of August.." I replied. "Oh! That's nice. I'm going to get my baby brother to join the soccer team! Can't wait!" He replied. I smiled at him. "I hope he gets in just in time, and probably-" I got cut off by a loud voice saying, "Y/N! Can I talk to you for a second, please?" (gosh you're famous xD) I turn around and see Aaron. "U-uh, yeah sure! Excuse me Garroth, I'm sorry." He just nods and I follow where Aaron is going.

~Timeskip brought to you by the lazy author~

"A-Aaron? Where are we going?" I asked shyly and look up at him since I'm a lot shorter than he is. He didn't reply and still kept on walking. We stopped by a shady place near the water. "Y/N.. I need to tell you something.." He finally spoke. "Yes?" "I-I.. I want to give you this.. rose.. for knowing I'll be there in your heart forever.." It kind of sounded like he was going to leave me? What? He showed me the rose and I gasped. It looked so beautiful. "T-thank you Aaron but.. why are you doing this?" "Oh.. well. I'm going to college soon and, I might not see you for a long time. At least we get to text each other and call, though." "Oh, yes..I forgot.." I tear up a little and sniffle. "Aw, don't cry, baby. I still love you and I know you are going to do great at mentoring freshmen!" He said lovingly. I smile at him and kiss his cheek. I take the rose and look to see we're coming back from where we were last time. "I love you too, Aaron. Always." We finally kiss each other on the lips. We kiss passionately without anyone disturbing us.


We get off the cruise ship and bring our suitcases with us. I walk back to my mother's car and wave at my friends goodbye. It's about to be August, so that means I need to get ready for school again. "Hey sweetie, had a fun time?" My dad asked. "Yep! I did." "That's great honey, anyway we need a lot of supplies for you to get ready for school." My mother said and I smiled. "Okay." 

We finally came home. I got out of the car and go inside my house. "Home sweet home." I sigh. Mom and dad decided we should watch a movie today, and I wanted to pick (favorite movie). They agreed, but first since I put my hair in a high ponytail, I put it down. (or if you have short hair) Then, we watched (favorite movie) and went to bed after. But of course I had to brush my teeth and everything.

~omg timeskip again since I'm sooo lazy. It's like, 1:00 am here peeps~

I woke up by my alarm and groaned. 'School today. Wait.. SCHOOL!' I thought and bolted up like I did before on my very first day of school when I was a freshman. I got out of bed and ran downstairs, almost falling. "Whoa! Be careful princess!" Dad said. I smiled and nodded. I sat down, smelling the scent of pancakes. Yum. Mom put down a plate of it and I ate them. "Woah, someone's hungry today." Mom said jokingly, while I was smiling awkwardly. I gulped down the last piece of pancake and said, "Well, I just can't wait till I mentor other freshmen today!" "Well, good luck with that sweetie! I know you'll do great!" Mother smiled and Dad agreed. I thanked them, packing my backpack, and gone outside to school.

First day of school as a sophomore, here I come!


I had a long time of exams and I was sooo tired

I might upload tomorrow since I'll be more active ;))

I love you guys alot, and never will take you for granted!

I'll see you guys in the next upload, which I won't spoil :3

Anyway finally you guys got some privacy for kissing since stupid 'Gene' kept on stalking.

He won't be there anymore anyway since beautiful APHMAU made another series! Finally!

k guys see u later bai homies lmao

love u


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