Some mistake..

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Your POV
"(Y/N)! Do you like this dress? It looks pretty!" said Aphmau. I looked at what Aphmau was talking about and saw a black strapless dress. I widen my eyes. "It looks beautiful!" "Yea! It would look pretty on you! And then Aaron would check you--" "Woah woah.. calm down Aphmau. Too far there." I laughed. She giggled. "What's all the laughter here? Kawaii~Chan heard some giggling." said K~C (going to put that for short) I looked at her. "Oh nothing, just Aphmau showing me this dress. She wants to get it for me but she doesn't have to." I reply and look at Aphmau. "No! I insist! I'm getting it for you whether you like it or not!" She said. 'She can always be so stubborn but cute..' I thought. I smile. "Okay, okay.. Go ahead." I say defeatedly. Then Aphmau squeals and goes to the cashier who is very confused. The cashier checked out the dress and gave it back, while Aphmau gave the money. We then get out of the store and outside to see the beautiful water.

"Alright! Try it on now!!" Aphmau squealed. "Ok ok! Give me a second woman." I say and take the dress from her hands. I go to the bathroom, and try the dress on. I look in the mirror and blush. 'Well, I look pretty..' I thought. I get out of the bathroom and look to see Aphmau squeal more. "You look so beautiful! Come on come on! I want to show it to Aaron and the others!" She said. I nodded but was kind of nervous on what the others will say about the dress. Then, we walk downstairs to see everyone there, looking at me while I go down. "You look great!" said everyone. I smile and thank them. I walk over to Aaron. "Hey Aaron." "Hey (Y/N).. you look.. sexy- I mean beautiful!" said Aaron who went crimson. I giggled. "U-uh.. can we go somewhere private, please? Aaron asked. "Sure." I follow him outside which was dark, but could still see by the moon. "Well?" I ask. "I-I.. *sigh* I don't want anyone to take you away from me... and so I got super.. jealous.. when the guys were kind of checking you out.. not in a perverted way but-" I cut him off by kissing him. "I will always be yours, Aaron. Always know that." "Promise?" "Promise." I reply. We then make-out while I felt someone watching us....

??? POV

Grrr.... why does Aaron take everything away.... I am supposed to have her! I need to talk to Garroth about this. I take a picture and look around. Then I find someone watching ME.

'GENE?!' a voice said.

Aaron x Reader Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now