End of the school year

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Your POV
I sigh. 'Last day of school. I won't be seeing anyone again. I will miss Aaron a lot.' Unexpectedly tears fall down on my face. I shake my head. No. Enjoy the last day of school, don't cry. I walk out of my house saying goodbye to my mom. I then walked to school, of course, can't drive till I'm 18.. Oh well. Still I need some exercise. I then finally reach school and see everyone happy it's the last day. Someone then comes up to me and hugs me real tight. I then notice it was.. Aaron! "Aaron.. You're hugging me too tight." I exclaim while not breathing well. "Oh gosh sorry!" He then let's go of me and smiles. I smile back. "You excited about the last day of school?" He asked. "Oh, uh.. Yeah.. Sure." I lie. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" "No, I'm okay. See you later at class." I silently waved and walked away. Why did I lie to him? I sigh sadly. Ignoring the people who looked at me concerned for some reason.
Aaron's POV
I wonder what's up with (Y/N).. I sigh and think of what I'm going to do when I come back home. Games.. Text Shu... I don't really know... I walk and have a straight face on me. Why you ask? Cause I don't want to see people know I'm concerned for (Y/N), they might not care anyway. But still.. I walk into the homeroom and wait until school ends today.
Your POV
Finally, last block.. Singing class. I walk inside the class and see a concerned Aaron across the room. I go to him and ask, "Are you okay Aaron?" He nods but asks, "Yes, but are YOU okay? Be honest here." I get out of the classroom tears eyed. "(Y/N)!" Aaron yells. I go outside in the football field. I cry and then feel arms around my waist. "(Y/N)? What's wrong? Please tell me.." Aaron said. "W-well.. When you t-told m-me are you e-excited for s-school, I almost c-cried. Because I'll... I'll miss you. And I don't want you to go..." I cried softly. He sits down and puts me on his lap. "(Y/N), don't worry, I'll see you sometime in the summer." I nodded, but then ask, "Aaron? Who did you have a crush on before me?" He sighs. "Long story.. But I met this girl, her name is Shu, we always play dungeons all the time. She was my beauty. My future.. But then I met you.. You kind of look like her." I widen my eyes. "A-Aaron..?" "Hmm?" "I know someone named FC... And my username is named Shu.." He widens his eyes too. "Shu?" "FC?" We gasp at the same time. I smile big and laugh. "Wow! I can't believe it's you FC!" He laughs with me. "I know right! Now, let's finish our day with a little heated kissing.~" He says. I widen my eyes more, about to say we have class still, but he just cuts me off with a kiss. I kiss him back.

This was a great make out session. I couldn't even say anything... So I stay there while Aaron laughs his butt off. I blush as a tomato. I quickly got up and say, "Alright Aaron, we need to go to class now, or else.. We'll just be marked absent." He shakes his head with disapproval, "Babe, I want this make out session to keep on going right now. I shake my head too. But laugh, "You can be so adorable when you laugh, am I right?" He says. I widen my eyes and glared at him playfully, "Don't tease me silly." We laugh and then go back to class, hand in hand.

This day can never get any better.

FINALLY! I did this part! Took me too long XD! Btw, that make out session was so heated I was actually sweating x3. Well wolfies, I'll see ya later! Later nators! ;)

Peace out!


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