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I walking my new friend Vylad or as I say... Not Alone Buddy and we were going to go to the cafeteria to eat. Then Vylad said, "Oh, seems like there are people selling food." I look at the cafeteria and then notice Kawaii~Chan trying to put up the board for selling cupcakes. (Just pretend you met her) She then notices me and walks over, "(Y/N)~Senpai! Nice to see you again! Hello Vylad~Kun!" "Hi Kawaii~Chan!" Me and Vylad said at the same time. We both look at each other and laugh. I also ask, "Need help on selling cupcakes? And why did you call me Senpai?" She says, "Oh yes indeed! And well, because you're Kawaii~Chan's best friend!" I smiled and then she whispered to me, "Also, meet Kawaii~Chan at the girls locker room as fast as you can. Kawaii~Chan will be there." She walks off. "What did she say to you (Y/N)?" Vylad asked out of the blue. "Well, she wanted me to meet her at the girls locker room. See ya later Vylad! I will talk to you more!" "Bye (Y/N)!" I run off to the girls locker room to meet up with Kawaii~Chan.
I waited for almost 1 hour! 'Where could she be?!' I thought to myself. I got really bored so I texted FC.
Y: Hey FC
FC: Hi Shu, I can't talk right now, I have class. See you later! 8D
Y: Awe. Okay, bye!
Wow, he had class, oh well... I then just waited for about ANOTHER hour and see the doors open and.. "Kawaii~Chan wants to turn you into a Meif'wa!" Then she throws the potion at me. I gasp and then felt ears and tail on my body. I didn't become a Meif'wa, I became a WEREWOLF! "WHAT DID YOU DO KAWAII~CHAN?!" I yelled at her. "Oops.. Kawaii~Chan must've gotten the wrong potion." She says. "Kawaii~Chan thinks nobody would care! But try this on!" She says while giving me a maid outfit. "Wear this and come to the cafeteria! And also, it'll wear off in 1 hour!" She says cheerfully while walking off. I wear the maid outfit and say, "Oh gosh... I thought my mom would be mad at me if I had this on forever." I walk out of the girls locker room and go to the cafeteria to help Kawaii~Chan.
I see a LOT of people in the cafeteria I look around and then spot Kawaii~Chan. I go to her and help her. "There! Done!" She says cheerfully. "Well, don't you look nice with ears and a tail." A voice says. I turn around and see Balto. "Oh.. Hey Balto." I say. "Hello (Y/N) I'm sure you smell like a werewolf." Said Balto while sniffing me . "Uh! Umm.." "What?" "Oh nothing! See ya later (Y/N)." "O-okay..?" I then go up to the selling poster. (Gosh can't remember lel) We then sell some of the cupcakes. And what I didn't notice was that Aaron was blushing because he saw my maid outfit. I smile at the costumers and give them the cupcakes. "It's been an hour Kawaii~Chan! When will it wear off?" I ask disappointed. "Oh did Kawaii~Chan say one hour? She meant 3 weeks! Sorry!" I widen my eyes about to say something but got cut off by Lucinda. "Well well well, if it isn't Kawaii~Chan. What did you do to (Y/N)?" "None of Lucinda~Chan's business!" Kawaii~Chan replied. Then they argued and argued until a lady... Oh oops, the potion teaching lady chased them and saying, "Don't use potions without my permission!" They scream and didn't want to turn into cats... (I know Kawaii~Chan is half cat half human but just roll with it.)I then smile and shake my head.
Today is going to be a long day...

Whew! Part 6 done! Better than I imagined XD. Welp, see ya later ppl! Also, have a great day. I have no internet so I would have to survive about 5 days without Internet ;-; lol. See you guys later! PEACE!


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