Shadow knights

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Your POV
I can't believe that guy was so rude to me! I was only trying to help.... Oh well.. As I was walking down the street, I heard some whispering but a picture taken. I gasped and looked behind me and behind the bush. I don't see anything. 'What was that?' I thought. I shook my head and thought I was hallucinating. I walked to my house, opened the door, and went inside. I saw mom making dinner. She notices me and says, "Oh, hey sweetie! How was your first day?" "It was fine, I guess..." "What do you mean you guess?" She asks curiously. My mom is always so curious, like me. "Well, I don't know, just weird. Because this guy bumped into me and been rude to me.." "Oh just ignore boys, they're always weird around girls." I nodded and said, "I am going to text my friend,(you would already know that o.o) and also, I'm not hungry. See ya later mom!" "Okay. Goodnight sweetie." I went to my room and texted my best friend, FC.

Y: Hey FC, u there?
FC: Hey sweet potato 8D
Y: H-hey! I am not a sweet potato! But what I wanted to say was.. There was this guy who bumped into me at school and talked to me rudely. I was only trying to help him.
FC: Oh.. I am sorry about that Shu
Y: It's fine, how are you today?
FC: Feeling fine as usual. 8D
Y: Ugh, that face annoys me, you know.
FC: I know 8D
Y: Oh! Sorry, I got to go to bed, bye FC!
FC: Bye Shu!
I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, then go in my room to change into my pjs. I then go to sleep and wait until morning comes.
The next day <-<
I wake up cause I heard my mom yell to come downstairs. Whoops, I forgot that I had to go to school today! I got up, did my hygiene, got my uniform on, and went downstairs to eat my breakfast. After I ate my breakfast, I got my supplies and put my phone in my backpack. I kiss my mom goodbye and head straight out for the door.
*Timeskip cuz me is lazy ):3*
I went to school, but then heard a voice, "Hey, you." "M-me?" I ask. "Yeah, you, why don't you come with us and skip school?" "Um, why?" "Because hanging out with us is better than going to school." "U-uh, if I hang out with you will you leave me alone?" "Yes, oh, and by the way, I'm Gene, and we are the Shadow Knights." He- I mean Gene said smirking. "C-cool-wait, are you gonna ask me to join your group?" "We are trying to, yes." "I never want to join your group! I have heard you guys blackmail and spy on other people!" I turn away by then Gene grabs my wrist hard. I whimper and turn my head around. "If you don't want to come with us, we will bother you all day, do you want to be bothered by us or not?" I think for a bit. "F-fine, I'll go with you guys." "Great. These two guys are Sasha and Zenix. Zenix has anger issues and you might like Sasha." "Hey!" A dark brown boy says. I guess that's Zenix then, and the grey haired girl is. Sasha? Cool. "Come on, let's take you somewhere to the park." "O-okay." He is still holding my hand. Can I please let go? "Y-you're still holding my hand.." He lets go of my hand harshly. Wow.

These guys are okay... But I will never join them!

Part 4 is coming soon!


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