chapter 12

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Mama, I've noticed, only let's Rei dress as a boy on special occasions. So when Mama entered my cell with a pretty blue dress, I already knew Rei would be dressing with the same colors, but in his rightful clothes.

I think he's already used to the idea of Mama wanting him to be a girl, but I'm not sure either of us understand why she wants it that way. Sure, Rei might look like a delicate snowflake, but he's far more powerful than a normal kid his age. No girl could handle the kind of pain he goes through everyday. Not even a boy could stand Mama, but he does.

I've come to see Rei as a hero, even if he's been a victim all his life. Because I had it all and lost it, but he never had anything from the start, yet he still stands tall. He still fights to make Mama happy, and I can never understand why he would aim to please someone as horrible as Mama.

"There, my pretty doll. All set for the circus. Make Mama proud, alright?" Mama pinched my cheek as she finished adjusting my dress. I nodded, my gaze on the floor.

The circus... In my little time of being here I've already gone one time and today's the next one. I wonder how many times Rei has gone. No doubt he'd been countless times, considering his skills. How many times has he won? Or worse, how many times has he lost? The mere thought of Rei being in pain sent shivers down my spine.

A loud alarm blasted through every speaker close by. I gulped loudly.

"Well, Showtime! Make lots of good girl points!" Mama winked as she pushed me out the small room we were in. I was met with a long hallway, at the end was an iron gate which seemed to be open. I sucked in a deep breath of air, trying to calm my nerves as I walked forward. My hands were clenched at my sides, the hallway felt like it would go on for an eternity. Once I reached the open gate and stepped out, I was blinded by bright lights and deafening cheers. Through my startled state I managed to locate Rei coming out from a gate a few feet away from me.

"Are you ready?" he called out to me. The corners of his mouth twitched up in a smirk.


I nodded, fighting back a shiver as a loud voice boomed around the entire place.

"For this event, we have ~oh, surprise surprise! None other than Rei, Big Madam's pet! Along with the new one, Emi! They'll be attempting one of our hardest attractions yet! They're going into the lion's cage!" the voice screamed and everybody burst into cheers. I cringed at the word 'pet' but stayed in my place.

"Alright Emi, let's win this thing!" Rei beamed, reaching out his fist. I brought my hand up and gave him a shaky fist bump.

The loud sound of the gates closing got my attention. I looked back just in time to catch Mama's smirk before all the lights went off.

My heart felt like it was crawling up my throat, slowly digging it's claws inside me, leaving bloody scratches behind. Once again I swallowed hard, feeling my chest constricting.

Cold shivers went down my spine as a single spotlight shone over Rei and I, blinding me temporarily. I brought my hands up to shield my eyes as they adjusted to the light.

"Without further interruptions, let the match begin!" the loud voice boomed.

There was an eerie silence enveloping the room. That is, until another spotlight flicked on. It shone over an opening gate, the sound being the only thing heard. Well, besides my beating heart that I could clearly hear.

A low growl rang through my ears and I completely froze. Out of the shadows of behind the gate, a scary figure emerged. It took slow, cautious steps, teeth bared, dripping saliva from it's canines to the floor. The thing was huge!

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