Chapter 17

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When your hand is so small that every bracelet you put on looks like this. Pls tell me some of you guys can relate xD


My bare feet slapped the dirty cement under me as I timidly stepped out of the cell. I kept my head down, knowing better than to look at Mama in the eye. The squeaking sound of the two cell gates closing resonated through my ears. I remained mute, the dryness of my throat burning my insides as a pair of footsteps got closer to me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rei's feet next to mine, which soothed my nervousness a bit. Without a word we both made our way through the long corridor with Mama's huge figure leading us.

A royal blue dress adorned my body and my hair was set into a long braid that stopped at my lower back. A black collar with a golden bell hung tightly to my neck, making it almost uncomfortable to swallow. My skin was completely clean of dirt and blood, and for once in a very long time I got to see how pale I actually was.

I was too engrossed in my own thoughts that I barely noticed when the floor under me changed. Instead of the cement littered with dirt that clung to my feet, a soft and silky red rug sat under me. My toes curled in surprise, and only then did my head snap up to meet the foreign room.

Golden chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling, elegantly illuminating the huge space. The floor was covered in the same red rug, making me feel like I was stepping in a sea of blood. Golden ornaments and decorations lined the dark brown walls. Right in the center of the room was a huge couch surrounded by small crystals that hung from the chandelier above it.

My eyes caught movement on the far corner of the room and I immediately turned my head to the figure who emerged from far away.

It was a tall woman with a slender body very different from Mama's. She had blonde hair that was tied up in two buns. A long red dress clung to her body like a second skin, a black fur collar adorned her neck and black gloves lined her arms, ending just above her elbows. Green glasses rested loosely on the bridge of her nose, and the smirk she carried made the hair at the base of my neck stand up.

As the woman got closer and closer my guard increased. She confidently shifted her eyes between the three of us, her hand resting at her hip. She was getting way too close to my liking, and the aura she emitted told me she was up to no good.

Rei's low growl reached my ears and I immediately stepped in front of Mama at the same time he did. We both stood defensively in front of her, our heads lowered and our eyes trained on the woman, prepared for any kind of move she might make.

The blonde woman stopped walking and gave us a curious look. A satisfied chuckle reached my ears and a heavy weight pressured my head as Mama patted us dismissively. I finally lowered my guard just a bit and stepped aside, letting her pass through and greet the woman.

My eyes met Rei's and I finally got a chance to look at him. He was wearing a light pink, almost white dress. My same collar hung from his neck and his loose hair cascaded beautifully down his back and shoulders. His skin was even paler than mine, making his blood red eyes stand out even more.

He looked so delicate, like a white feather floating through the wind. I was once again left astonished by his angelic features.

He caught my stare, shooting me an amused smirk as he raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, trying unsuccessfully to hide my own smile and turned my attention to the two figures in front of me.

"These little dolls are the ones I told you about. Aren't they just beautiful?" Mama proudly boasted and I felt the blonde's stare on me.

"Indeed they are. Where did you get them?"

"Oh, you know. Here and there," Mama smirked, shooting us a wink.

The blonde woman hummed, a hand going up to her chin as she walked towards me. I gulped silently and stopped breathing, trying to read her movements. She stood a few feet in front of me with a small smirk on her face.

"You're right. She really does look like a doll," she said, eying me up and down before walking slowly towards Rei.

"But look at her..." she said, surprise noticeable in her tone. "Are you sure she's even real?"

The woman slowly reached her hand towards Rei and I tensed, wanting nothing more than to jump at her and bite her hand off. My eyes followed her fingers as she took a piece of Rei's hair, slowly feeling the strands against her fingers.

"What's your name, dear?"

"It's Rei."

The woman smiled, her tongue darting out to lick her lips.

"You're very pretty Rei. So cute and innocent. I could just eat you up," she said with a laugh a little too wicked for my liking.

"So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?" Mama's voice boomed through the room. The blonde woman hummed once again before standing in front of me.

"What's your name, sweetie?" she asked.

I almost drowned in her sickly sweet voice. My gaze shifted nervously to Mama and back to her again.

"Emi," I whispered.

"Emi, that's a very pretty name. Would you like to know mine?"

I secretly wanted to shake my head. I wanted nothing to do with her. What I really wanted was to go back and hide in my cell.

Instead I just shrugged.

"My name is Madam A, but from now on you can just call me Mama."

Time stopped. My breath hitched, my eyes widened as I processed the words. This had to be a joke. I might've just heard wrong.


My heart was beating so loud I could feel it in my eardrums. My throat went dry and I couldn't find the strength to swallow. The blonde woman's smirk widened as she gave a soft laugh.

"You're mine now."

Another update! Yay!

I know this was short af but well, I'm sick so cut me some slack xD.

Ok so on the last chapter I got multiple comments from juzostitchess. Thank you so much for the depth of your comments! I really appreciate it! :D Although I didn't reply bc I can't say what I have planned xD. #NoSpoilers

Anyways thank you so much for all the comments. My readers are being more supporting that before xD lets keep it that way!

Same goal stands! c:

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