Chapter 50

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Here's a picture of all the Hiiragi with their names!

Here's a picture of all the Hiiragi with their names!

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"Have you completed the task?"

"Yes. I've successfully separated the elites." A rich, soft voice rang through the office of none other than Tenri Hiiragi himself, tracing back to the pink, thin lips of Shinoa, the youngest member of the family.

"Good job, child. Do not allow them to reunite." His aged, raspy voice responded, still holding a strong sense of authority that had all but faded through the years.

"As you wish, father."

"They seem to be an interesting bunch." This time it was Seichiro Hiiragi who spoke, his index finger playing with his bottom lip in thought as the other hand ran through his jet black hair.

"Interesting or not, they're going down." Kureto finished, his cold tone laced with a wave of determination as he shot his younger brother a hard look.

The room fell silent as everyone took in the situation. It didn't seem to have a significant impact on the organization yet. However, the Hiiragi wouldn't wait around to pluck out their enemies. If there's one thing they hated, it was dragging out the inevitable.

"Sending a group of children to wipe out the Hiiragi?" Tenri muttered before turning toward the four other prescences in the room.

"Madam A should've known better than to underestimate us. Prepare for a fight."

The Hiiragi were determined to show Madam A's organization who the real monsters were. All were ready to finally gain the upper hand after years of fighting for it.

All, but one.

As the group of siblings were dismissed from the main office they went their separate ways, all of them getting ready for their assigned task.

"The blond's a sniper!" Shinya exclaimed, trying to disguise his excitement as his mind shone with memories of watching the boy in action. His own fingers shook at the sight of such skill.

"You might want to contain yourself. This isn't an amusement park." Shinoa, who had been walking beside him bluntly stated, her fingers laced behind her back as both of them made their way towards the computer room they were previously in.

"Man, he's amazing at it too! Did you see him?" The platinum haired male spoke once again as he pushed the door to the computer room open, holding it for Shinoa to pass through before slamming it shut.

"I did." Shinoa muttered as she walked over to the giant, wall sized projection of the mansion's house at the far corner of the room. It held the same map image Jiro displayed on his computer, only Shinoa did have the location dots of every single elite.

Shinya dumped his body on the nearest rolling chair. Stretching his hand toward a stack of toast, he grabbed one and pushed himself toward the computer he was using before Tenri called a reunion. The device shone bright with a video of the blond boy, Jiro, who was hunched over a computer of his own.

"Oh~ he looks desperate." Shinya laughed as he munched on his toast, his saphire eyes locking with each movement carried out by the other male behind the screen.

"Shinya, come take a look." Shinoa's voice resonated through his ears and he raised his gaze toward the giant projection.

Shinoa had changed the picture from the mansion's map. Now a recording of each elite was displayed on the screen. They were both looking at the area showing Jiro and Emi as they took down the first wave of guards sent toward them.

"That girl seems to be as skilled as the blond." She commented, making Shinya almost spit his food out.

"You're kidding, right?"

The male's eyes widened at the sight of his sister's serious face.

"Shinoa, come on. Look at her posture! How can something like that compare to the elegant stance of the guy! Just look at the way he's holding the gun. It's as if it were an extension of himself, now that's true beauty!"

"I don't really see the difference." Shinoa sighed.

"Of course you don't. I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't know the difference between a shotgun and a handgun, to know the perfect stance of a skilled sniper."

Shinoa turned her back to the platinum haired boy, directing her gaze to the projection before switching it to a live footage of different cameras around the house, immediately finding the four elites.

"You may be right, but gawking at the enemy is not our mission."

"If you could see what I see, you'd understand. I can only dream of having that boy's skill." Shinya pouted as his eyes followed blond on the screen who viciously typed on his computer.

"I hate it when you're overly modest. You can take him out in a heartbeat." The girl muttered.

A wide smirk stretched on Shinya's face as his eyes finally caught a glimpse of those hazel ones filled with desperation.

"Maybe not in a heartbeat..."

"He's almost done breaking through the virus, soon he'll have access to all the others' locations. I'll get Kureto and Seishiro so we can start phase two." Shinoa informed.

"Don't touch anything, and try not to cause any trouble." She sighed as she headed to the door.

"No promises." Shinya chuckled and the younger girl limited herself to an eye roll before exiting the room.

Now alone, Shinya was free to walk over to the projection and inspect the blond closely.

"He's decoding at an insane speed." Shinya muttered in surprise before walking over to the main computer.

"Now let's see what you got, blondie."

A devilish smile broke free on his face as he typed a few words into the computer, giving the order and within seconds recieving a confirmation.

A group of one hundred guards were now making their way toward Jiro's spot, and Shinya couldn't wait to see the blond in action.
SHORT HIIRAGI POV CHAPTER! But don't worry guys, I promise the rest won't be like this. I was just setting the mood.

So Shinya is interested in Jiro...

I'm not creating another ship! Shinya is only interested in Jiro's skill

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I'm not creating another ship! Shinya is only interested in Jiro's skill. I think we have enough gayness with Reyato and Shinyuu XD

*Suddenly the fandom starts screaming 'There is no such thing as too much gayness!!'*

Although its Jiro we're talking about. What's not to love? ;)


*Cough* I'm a proud mother.

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