Chapter 40

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"You did a wonderful job today." A dark voice cooed, their body concealed within the shadows that loomed over the dark hallways known to be Big Madam's property.

Behind the rusty cell gates a pair of blood red eyes stared intently at the figure, not moving a single inch. The haunting melody of the woman's words mixed with the eerie feeling was forever imprinted into the walls, but the boy was practically immune to it by now.

"I did?" His voice was heard barely louder than a whisper. Behind the soft tone there was a fleeting glimpse of happiness which Big Madam managed to notice.

"Yes, look at all the good boy points you earned! I'm proud of you Rei." She answered, making the boy's dry lips stretch into a pained smile.

"Since you've behaved so well lately I got you a present."

His heartrate increased, reminding him that he still had something alive inside of him no matter how dead he truly felt. His thin, dirty fingers curled around the grimy bars, hoping the present was what he thought it was.

There was only one thing he'd been wishing ever since Emi had gone, and it was for her to come back to him once again. The boy craved to be near her, it was almost unhealthy how many times he'd wished to be at her side. She was his little escape from the hell he'd been living in, and ever since she had gone all he'd done is wish for her to come back.

It didn't matter if she was to blame for all the suffering Big Madam had put him through. It didn't even matter if the woman had told him bad girls needed to be killed. Emi could never be a bad girl, could she?

The sound of a gate unlocking reached his ears and he immediately swallowed his nervousness and stood up. Maybe this time it would really be her. Maybe today his mind would be able to rest and get the sleep he much needed. Maybe, after so many years, he'd finally get to smile after all.

"Follow me."

And that is exactly what he did, what he had been doing his entire life. Following Big Madam's footsteps, becoming her shadow.

"You're going to love this one, alright?" Came the woman's voice as Rei attempted to follow patiently behind her, but his heartbeat proved otherwise.

After what seemed like an eternity they finally arrived at the familiar room where he'd seen Emi for the very last time. The same room where that blonde woman came and took her away from him.

But what was waiting for him didn't even come close to what he expected. The familiar figure he was yearning to see, his Emi, was nowhere in sight. Instead another figure took her place, making Rei's fists curl in frustration and his blood start to boil.

She was doing it again. She was trying to make him forget.

"Doesn't he look lovely?" Big Madam excitedly said, her big hands roughly pushing Rei forward, closer to the startled boy in front of him.

Piercing green eyes shone with confusion at the snow haired boy, his own redheaded locks framing his delicate face. He looked a bit older than Rei, his face more mature and resembling someone in their mid teens while Rei was barely thirteen years old. Neither boys looked too happy about their meeting and it proved right when they both spun around at the same time, facing away from each other.

"Mama-" Rei began but his words were cut short by the own woman.

"See Rei, I got you a friend. Isn't that nice?"

The boy remained silent, painfully swallowing what he was about to say. He didn't need a new friend, He needed Emi.

"I expect you to at least try to get along with him, since he's your partner for the next scrapping at the restaurant." Big Madam explained, her golden brackets glowing with fresh saliva that flew out of her mouth with every word.

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