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Ray's POV

My best friend Erin and I just moved to London. Erin is from America and I am from Canada. We met through Twitter. We became really close. We actually met a few times before hand and we finally decided to move in together. We decided on London of course because we are massive fans of the Sidemen. So why the hell not? And plus, I have always wanted to go to London so that's just a bonus.

Erin and I don't have what you would call a 'real job'. We are YouTubers. My channel is AyItsRay and Erin's is bikergal12. I know, some stupid names right but it's not like we expected to blow up as much as we did. We are both sitting with over 2 million subscribers. They don't know we move to London yet but we plan on making a video soon, once we are settled in anyway.

Erin and I just finished moving our stuff into the new flat, as someone from London would say. We decided to go furniture shopping as soon as possible because we both know we will be too lazy to do it later. We had previously bought ourselves a white Audi A7 before we flew to London so we didn't have to ride in taxis for a month when we moved. We both love the car equally but I plan on getting my own car eventually.

On our way to Ikea, we play our favorite playlist which, of course, is our Sidemen playlist. Of course we play Keep Up first because, c'mon, that's one of the best songs. Before we know it, we are at Ikea. We decided to furnish our living room first because that's the first room you see when you enter the flat.

As we started walking around, I decided to vlog because fuck it.

"AyItsRay and welcome back to another vlog. Today, Erin and I are in Ikea shopping for furniture for our new flat which you guys will already know about when I upload this video anyway. Erin, the fuck did you go?" I ask panning the camera around.

"BOO!" I assume is Erin screaming as I scream and almost drop my camera.

"YOU TWAT!" I yell laughing pointing the camera to Erin as she was on the floor laughing.

"C'mon bae, let's continue the search for shit." I say after a few minutes of calming down from the mini heart attack Erin gave me. I help her up, put my camera away and we continue walking through Ikea towards the kitchen show rooms.

As we near the living area rooms, we hear a bunch of laughter. One in particular that sounds extremely familiar but I just brush it off because guys are guys. You can't help them. But as we get closer, I over hear one of them speaking.

"Ethan, you are going to get us kicked out........of fucking Ikea you dickhead."

Why does that name sound so familiar? I turn to Erin and give her a look that said 'you confused as well?' She nodded in response and I decide now is a good time to start vlogging again.

"Im back and we are about not even close to getting through this damn place. Erin and I were just talking about what theme we wanted the living area should be but we are having trouble so I guess we will have to see when we get to the show rooms. Ikea in London is slightly different from Canada and America. Don't you think Erin?" I say.

"Yeah, it's a lot fucking bigger and I thought the one if Chicago was massive. I was proved wrong." Erin says as we turn the corner into the next section of the show rooms which was gladly the living area show rooms.

"Well, I am going to time lapse the show rooms so enjoy." I say hooking my camera to my belt which I wear for time lapse. It's a regular belt but it's great for vlogging/time lapses because I don't have to hold it.

As we walk past the first show room, we are those same laughs from earlier. We also hear someone speak as well.

"Vik get out of the damn trunk."

Weird, those voices sound so damn familiar but I can't quite out my finger on it. That was, until we went into the show room where we both stopped dead in our tracks. In front of us, stood around a trunk, was none other than the Sidemen themselves.

{Author's Note}

Hello there. This is Erin and Ray's new fanfic. Our main Wattpad accounts are MCRaynator and bikergal12

We decided to make a combined WattPad account and write a fanfic together. There will probably be more in the future and possibly One Shots as well. We thought this would be fun.

We hope you guys will enjoy this fanfic. We did use our names but we have things planned for other characters so don't worry too much. You might get a chance to be featured in this fanfic.

We love you guys <3

Have a great night :D

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