Chapter 36

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Ray's POV

Biker, Vik, Simon and I wait for the lift to come and once it does, Harry. Tobi and Cal walk out.

"Oh hey guys, looking fancy." Tobi says.

"Hey T-Bizzle." I say smiling.

"Where you guys off to?" Harry asks.

"We are having a double date at a fancy restaurant." I reply.

"Nice, hope you guys have fun." Cal says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Wait Tobi, could you take a group picture of us?" Biker asks.

"Sure." Tobi says as Biker passes him her phone.

"One good pic then we can do a retarded one if you want." Biker says.

"Cool." I say as Simon puts his arm around my lower back and we stand beside Biker and Vik who are doing the same thing.

"Ok, three, two, one, say cheese." Tobi says. We all say cheese while smiling and Tobi takes the picture.

"Thanks T-Bizzle." I say as Tobi hands Biker her phone back.

"No problem." Tobi says.

"Well, we will let you guys go on your double date." Cal says as he walks to his flat and goes in.

"Have fun." Harry says following Cal.

"What they said." Tobi says following Harry and closing the flat door behind him.

"Biker, take my phone. Take a pic of Simon and I please." I say handing Biker my phone.

"Sure." Biker says.

"Just spam pictures until I say stop." I say.

"Ok, spam starting now." Biker says as she starts spamming the camera button.

I walk up to Simon and wrap one arm around his neck and my hand on his cheek and press my lips against his.

After a few seconds I break away and smile leaning my forehead on his.

"You guys are so fucking adorable." Biker says.

"So are you and Vik." I say turning my head towards Biker and winking making her and Vik blush slightly.

"I love you babe." Simon says kissing my cheek making me smile.

"I love you too babe." I reply.

"Can I stop spamming pictures now?" Biker asks.

"Yeah." I say laughing and going to Biker to get my phone and go through the pictures. I decide to tweet the picture where mine and Simons foreheads are touching and we are smiling at each other.

We wait for the lift to come back up because we missed it because of the pictures. Once the lift comes back, we all walk in and head to the car park.

*at the restaurant*

We all walk up to the front. Simon and I have linked arms as well as Biker and Vik.

"Reservation for four for Minter." Simon says to the hostess.

"Right this way." the hostess says as she leads us to a nice candle lit table near the back of the restaurant.

Simon and Vik both pull out chairs for Biker and I. We thank them and sit down then Simon and Vik grab seats. Simon next to me and Vik next to Biker.

"What do we want to drink?" Simon asks.

"I'm not that big of a fan of wine but why not. We are out for a fancy dinner." I say.

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