Chapter 3

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P.o.v Pete

"Where the hell is Patrick?" I whisper to Andy before the meet and greet starts. He only shrugs in reply. We decide to tell each fan that comes in that he felt suddenly ill and had to go back to the bus. 

This isn't like Patrick, he wouldn't just skip out like this...

After we are done we all hurry out to the tour bus, my nerves growing. I open the door and run into the bus, "Patrick?" I call out, Joe and Andy following close behind. "Call him." I order over my shoulder, walking back outside into the frigid air after briefly searching the bus.

"What are you so worried about? He's probably fine." Joe says casually, the phone to his ear telling me he's calling Patrick.

I hold up my finger, listening closely to a faint sound I can't distinguish. "Do you hear that?" I ask, stepping closer to the tour bus where I think the sound is coming from.

"Ok, now you're going crazy." Joe jokes, the phone he's holding still glued to his ear. I drop to the ground, and look under the bus, and sure enough, there it is- Patrick's vibrating phone. Grabbing it, I stand up, waving it angrily in front of his face, "And where the hell would he go without his phone?! Patrick's in trouble and I'm the only one who seems to care!" I snap, walking into the bus again.

"Ok, lets not get too worked up. Let's just wait til morning, and if he's still not back, then we'll call the police, ok?" Andy soothes, putting his hand on my shaking shoulder. "Y-yeah... You're right. Ok, I'm sorry." I reply, sitting down on my bunk.

I call Elisa and anyone else who maybe had seen or heard from him, but all have the same answer- no.

I sigh, laying down in my bunk, the time now reading 2 o'clock AM. I close my tired eyes, absolutely exhausted, soon falling into a deep sleep.

P.o.v Texas

"Georgia," I whisper, gently shaking her awake. "Time to go." I say, looking at the clock- 4 AM. Perfect.

As she jumps up from her bed and goes into the bathroom to get ready, I walk across the hall to Patrick's room, and slip the key into the lock. I slowly creep the door open and see that he is sleeping. Aw. I can't wait to bring him to his new house, back home. I know Ian will love him.

Georgia taps my shoulder, and I spin around, startled. She laughs quietly, "Sorry." I smile and shake my head, closing the door silently and re-locking it. 

"Lets go." I say, walking out of our temporary house and to the car we stole a couple of weeks ago.

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