Chapter 17

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P.o.v Elisa

"Joe?? Joe!" I yell desperately, running into his room in the hospital. I run quickly to his bed and hug his frail frame. "I missed you so much..." I rasp, my throat dry, as tears flow out of my eyes. I release him from the hug and lean back to look at him- it's as if he's here, but really he's not. "Joe?" I ask tentatively, waving my hand in front of his hazy eyes.

He doesn't respond, only stares straight into the dull ceiling, unblinking. "Hello? Joe say something, please..." I plead to his unresponsive form. "Where's Patrick? Pete? Andy? Please, you're the only one." I sob, grabbing his limp hand. 

Joe is awake, he's breathing, his eyes are open- why isn't he responding?!

"He's been like this ever since they found him, we don't know what's wrong with him." A voice says, breaking the intense silence that had hung in the atmosphere. I spin around, facing a doctor in the doorway, "He's ok though, right?" I ask, twisting my fingers from the nerves pulsating throughout my body.

"Perfectly healthy. Just a little dehydrated but overall nothing wrong that we can figure out. We've conducted every test possible." The doctor explains, shrugging.

I shake my head in confusion.

I turn back to Joe and put my fingers under his chin, pulling his gaze towards mine. I gasp at the sight- his eyes are black holes, what is left of the surrounding white is completely bloodshot. I let go of his chin in fear and his head goes limp, his body violently pulsating as foam forms and spills out of his slack mouth. Several beeps from different machines go off as I back away quickly while the doctor rushes to Joe's side, shouting for nurses to come.

Once the doctor has others at his side attending to Joe, he approaches me, gently putting his hands on my shoulders, "You need to exit the room, please hurry. We will come get you as soon as possible." He says quickly, ushering me out of the room.

My breathing quickens as he rushes back into the chaotic room. I back up into the wall of the hallway and slowly slide down it, putting my head in my hands, crying.


After about 30 minutes the doctor walks solemnly out of the room, "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Stump. His time of death is 8:06." The doctor tells me. I swallow hard, biting my lip to stop the quivering. "O-ok..." I whisper, not knowing if the doctor can even hear me. "How did he die?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

The doctor sighs, fixing the glasses on his nose, "We have no idea,"

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