Chapter 7

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Some information- the picture I used to portray the factory clearly isn't a complete copy of my description in this chapter, it is merely a guiding image to help you in visualizing :)

P.o.v Pete

I stare in horror as Joe falls to the ground with a loud thump. Texas looks up at the clock with wide eyes, as if she hadn't just done what she did to Joe, "We have to go." She says quickly, stepping over Joe's limp body and running into the kitchen.

I scoot over to Joe and shake him with my shoulder- still, he remains motionless. I feel tears prick my eyes, fearing the worst.

"Ok, time now." Georgia says, and I look up to see her dragging Patrick into the kitchen where I see... What is that?

In the space between the counter and the wall is a blue, translucent 'wall' stretching from the ground to the ceiling. There are two metal sticks on either side producing this wall, and that's where Georgia is taking Patrick. He struggles hard and relentlessly, thrashing with all his might. But he can't win. Georgia is backing up into it, holding Patrick under his arms as she disappears through the wall.

Fear explodes in Patrick's eyes, and a second later he is gone too.

This is some sort of joke, or a nightmare! Yeah, that's what it is, a nightmare. Soon, I'm going to wake up in my nice bunk, right?

 I feel hands grab under my arms and lift me up, and I struggle too. Texas is unnaturally strong, and all my struggling does is exhaust me.

She gets closer and closer to the wall, and soon, Andy's horrified face disappears, and all I see is the blue wall, not the room I just came from. Texas drags me over to where Patrick is sitting, leaning against a concrete wall. Georgia walks away as does Texas, but escaping isn't on my mind. The area we entered is on my mind.

It is like a huge... Factory. There is no other word to describe it. There is steam billowing in some areas, and the sound of machinery fills my ears, and it seems as if the building goes on forever. There are countless tall rows of crates and large boxes everywhere. Looking up, I realize there are several floors that continue on above us, where various ramps connect to different walkways. The walls are metal and cold against my back, as well as the cold, grated floor we're sitting on. 

And the people bustling about... They aren't people at all. Some look normal, others look like nothing I have ever seen before. Reptile-like eyes, ranging from a flaming red to oceanic blue. And their skin... Some are patched with colored scales. But their figures remain like a human's. 

Some of these things are dragging actual humans with them, pulling them with leashes and other devices, looking just as terrified as us. What is this awful place?

Patrick is doing the same thing as I am- observing in terror. Georgia comes back from god knows where with three sets of collars and leashes. Patrick's eyes widen as she grabs his chin and forces his head up, securing the collar around his neck. She smiles and pinches his cheek before taking one of her nails and snapping the rope connecting his ankles.

She approaches me and does the same thing, the collar making it hard to breath. I shuffle closer to Patrick as Georgia looms over us, and he puts his head on my shoulder, trembling. 

We watch helplessly as Texas hauls Andy through the 'transporter', as I am calling it. He put up the biggest fight out of any of us. Texas looks highly annoyed and when she finally reaches us she pins Andy to the wall and slaps him hard across the face, snapping his head to the side from the immense force.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you abide like your weak little friends?!" She screams in his face, but he doesn't seem phased by her venomous words. Texas shoves him down mercilessly, and Andy moves closer to me.  

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