Chapter 8

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P.o.v Patrick

The limo smoothly cruises along and all we do is stare out of the window. It looks so much like Earth, whatever this place is (because there is no way it could be Earth).... I've seen a lot of things so far on this ride from the factory- strange trees and plants, weird cars and the occasional 'animals' I've seen.

From a city scene to a less urbanized area, the driver turns down a road leading to a nice looking neighborhood- perfect houses with perfect lawns lining the road.

The perfectly cut grass ranges from blue to green, red to yellow, the houses as normal as those in Chicago or Los Angeles. We turn down another road, that of small pebbles this time. At the end of this road/driveway stands a beautiful mansion, steps leading up to a grand doorway.

The limo stops and Texas opens the door, pulling Andy out with her. I am pushed from behind by Georgia and forced out, Georgia pulling Pete with her. We are shoved up the steps and to the door, where Texas knocks three times.

There are loud footsteps before the door opens. "Mr. Reynolds, how are you?" Texas asks sweetly, shaking his hand as he smiles a charming smile.

I had expected him to be scary, but I am now met by a guy who is very clean shaven, his unusual and striking deep purple eyes gazing gently into mine, his muscles clearly defined through his white button down.

"I'm doing well, thank you." He replies, his voice soothingly deep. I am almost in a trance as Texas and Georgia lead us in as Mr. Reynolds holds open the door, closing it after we enter.

I stare up in awe at the masterpiece that is this beautiful home, a grand staircase spiraling up to a second floor. Mr. Reynolds reaches his hand up to my face, and I flinch, but he only smiles reassuringly. He places his fingers beneath my chin and turns my head so that the number on my cheek faces him.

He cringes at the sight, "I'll clean that up for you later." He promises, retracting his warm touch from my chin.

"Thank you, girls. Expect your pay soon, you are dismissed." Texas and Georgia shake his hand one last time before leaving.

Mr. Reynolds closes the door softly and turns to face us, "I know you probably have many questions, and I assure you they will be answered. Please don't be scared or alarmed, you are in good hands, I promise. Please, follow me." He finishes, and begins walking into a room with a leather couch and other expensive furniture. I look to both Pete and Andy before looking back to where he walked to.

He brandishes his hand to the couch and I walk slowly, sitting down hesitantly, Pete and Andy sitting down next to me as close as possible.

"I have a lot to say, so I just want to start off with my name. I am Ian Reynolds, you are to call me Ian. I want you to know that I am now your owner, I'm in command. I don't want to use force, but if I have to get violent I have no problem with doing so. This isn't a game. There is no escape, there is no way out of this. I've lived a long time, I know the way your little minds work, and I know you're thinking of ways to get out of this situation. I'll tell you the answer- there is no way. You are very far from home. I have people out here who know me, and because of this they will know you, and if you manage to get off my property you're coming right back. There will be punishments for your actions, and I don't want you to meet those punishments. So, I am giving you your warning now: accept the rules, and follow them. You have to realize you are mine now, my property, mine to do whatever I please with, understand?" Ian finishes, and I feel like I can't breath, yet again.

"I am going to remove your gags, and please no yelling, it gives me a headache," Ian says. My mind is foggy and clouded, everything going in slow motion as he takes a step towards me and presses a button on the metal covering my lips. A beep goes off and it releases. It falls into his waiting hand and I take a deep, shaky breath. He does the same to Pete and Andy, relieving them as well.

He places the contraptions in his back pocket, and faces us once again.


Over the next two hours, he explains everything- rules, why we are here, that we 'legally' belong to him, this planet, about his 'species', and everything else we would need to know.

It all sounds insane, but one question remains on my mind- "Why? We're people, we have free will and rights." I insist, overwhelmed by everything that has happened.

"Not here you don't." He replies simply, looking at me with genuine sympathy. "Why do your people own dogs? Why don't they have a say? You see, my planet has an obsession with yours. Think of yourselves as my... Pets." He says, smiling.

I grit my teeth and refuse to look him in the eye, "Please don't be angry with me. This is how things work. If you like, I can send Texas and Georgia to report you all dead so your families don't spend the rest of their lives wondering what happened to you." He offers, crossing his arms.

Tears prick my eyes again at this statement- Elisa.

We were supposed to grow old together, to have kids and watch them grow up. To meet my grandchildren. Now none of that is possible, not one thing...

"Please don't do that, please let me talk to my wife one last time." I beg, looking up to meet his gaze as I lean forward on the couch in desperation, "Please."

He bites his lip in thought, "I'll consider." He finally replies after a moment of silence. "But for now you are free to roam the house, I'll be watching and my guards are on duty, so please save yourselves the pain and don't do anything stupid." He explains. He goes to say something else but the doorbell rings, interrupting him.

He holds his hand up to us as if to say 'stay', and walks to the door. He opens it a little and sticks his head out, "How may I help you?" He asks sweetly to the person we can't see, smiling. "Have you ever considered joining STH?" A girl's innocent voice asks.

"No, no. I haven't. And if you excuse me I have to go." Ian replies quickly, closing the door angrily, losing the nice attitude.

He storms back over to us, "Stupid little pests." He grits out angrily. "And I forgot to mention don't ever open the door for anyone, you come and get me, ok?" He demands with a strange edge in his voice. We nod slowly, afraid.

"What's STH?" Andy's small voice asks.

Ian closes his eyes and calms himself down a bit before looking at Andy, "It stands for 'Save The Humans'. It's rubbish. It's a community that wants to approach the government for keeping humans against their will. It won't pass though, this has been a tradition of my people for centuries. The STH will run with or without the government's consent, though, and have been known to steal property. That is why I have security." Ian explains, a dangerous glint in his eyes.  "Anyway, as we were discussing before we were interrupted, please explore your new home." He finishes, and then stalks off to another part of the house.

I look at Pete and Andy, who wear the same hopeless, confused expression I do.

****If anyone has any questions about anything please ask, you guys are amazing!***

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