Chapter 12

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P.o.v Patrick

I slowly open my eyes, and sit up from the ground. Something's not right.... I quickly stand up and spin around in fear- Pete and Andy are gone. "Pete? Andy?!" I yell nervously, starting to walk to the door, but I forget the chain is there to stop me.

Oh god, what is he doing to them?! The door suddenly opens and Ian walks in, smiling. "Ah, you're awake." He greets gently. My breathing begins to speed up as I instinctively take a step back. "W-where are they?" I ask, gulping hard. "They are downstairs, Patrick. No need to fear." He replies easily, smirking.

He approaches me and I back up until the backs of my knees hit the bed, and I sit down on the edge of it. He bends down and slips a key out of his pocket, taking the chain off my ankle. He grabs my elbow and leads me out of the room and down the stairs.

He takes me through the living room and into the kitchen, where Andy and Pete sit at the kitchen table. Both of their faces are bruised, cut, and bloody- Pete's face a little bit more than Andy's, but both are horrific to look at. He sits me down across from Pete, and he circles to the head of the table. "Now, before we begin your training, I have a few things to say. You all have witnessed what happens when you disobey, and these punishments will vary with what you do. Listen to what I say, and you won't get hurt. Piss me off enough, and I might just hurt your friend instead of yourself. Got it?" He explains. I look down at the empty plate in front of me, refusing to look him in the eye. "Got it?!" He repeats loudly, yelling it this time. I nod, fearing what he will do if he doesn't get some sort of response.

He then sits down at the head of the table, "In the morning- every morning -you are to make breakfast. When you serve breakfast, you wait for me to take the first bite, then you eat. Now, today is 'Saturday' in your terms. On Saturdays, I usually would take you out for a special treat. But you aren't ready for that, so perhaps next week." He says.

"How do we-" "Do not speak until I am done!" He screams, interrupting Pete. I look down into my lap, my hands gripping my knees to try and stop the heavy trembling. 

"Now, as I was saying, you have different things to do on different days. Sunday- you must tend the garden and wash the cars. Monday- you will clean the house. Tuesday- is sort of your free day unless something comes up and I need you to do something. Wednesday- you would usually run errands for me but as I said before, you are not ready for that. Thursday- I hold a weekly get together for the neighborhood. You will behave and do everything everyone asks of you. Other humans will be attending with their masters, so you are not to talk to them. You will cook, bake, and clean everything I ask of you. Friday- you will clean the house again, which will need it from the night before. Do everything I ask of you for the week, and behave correctly you will be rewarded on Saturday. Is this all understood?" He explains, tapping his fingers impatiently on the arm of his chair.

I silently nod. "Now Pete, what was it that you wanted to know?" He asks in a gentle tone. "How do we know what you want to eat..." He replies in such a low voice it is almost a whisper. "Do speak louder and look me in the eye when I speak to you." Ian demands. 

His loud voice scares me momentarily and I look up and into his eyes that most people would say look kind; But I know better. "How do we know what you want to eat?" Pete asks again, trying to control the irritation in his voice.

"I am very lenient on that, just cook anything. Dinner is more picky, and lunch is typically just a sandwich." He explains with a quirk.

We sit silence for a few moments, Ian just staring at us, "Get to it." He orders in annoyance. I look at Pete and Andy, then slowly stand. "Faster!" He yells, and Pete and Andy shoot up, following me into the kitchen.

"I'm bad at cooking" Andy whispers, grabbing a pan from a cabinet after he searches the others. I open the fridge and bend down, looking for anything. I grab eggs and milk,  then go into the freezer to get toast.

I walk over to Andy and place the eggs on the counter, cracking 6 into a bowl. I pour the milk into the bowl and go over to the sink to wash my hands.

While Andy cooks the scrambled eggs, Pete toasts the bread and I get a plate for Ian, where Andy and Pete drop the eggs and toast. If he wasn't watching our every move, I would've spit in his eggs, but I make the wiser decision and just bring his plate to him in silence. Pete makes our plates and we go back to the table. I am so hungry, I don't even remember the last time we ate.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Ian asks, obviously aggravated. I think hard and look over at his plate, and realize he is gripping an empty glass. I am about to get up and get him a drink, but Pete speaks up, "Get it your fucking self."

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