Chapter 24

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P.o.v Pete

I put my ear to Patrick's chest, hearing for any sign of life while Andy unwraps the tape from around his mouth. "Shit!" I whisper, pressing down on his chest. I had learned CPR when I was in school, and thankfully I remember most of it.

"Don't leave me now, you son of a bitch!" I shout before plugging his cold nose and blowing into mouth. I repeated this action of pumping his chest and blowing air into his mouth for the next few minutes. "Fuck! I know you can hear me, I know you're still alive!! Please Come back..." I sob, tears falling from my eyes as I hit his chest one last time.

Patrick's eyes suddenly shoot open, and he begins coughing viciously, leaning over to allow the water to spill out of his mouth. He continues to cough as I pat his back gently, wiping tears away from my face, smiling.

He begins to breath heavily when his coughing turns to shivering. I wrap my arms around him and his head rests on my chest, his body trembling. "I thought... I thought you were gone..." I whisper to him as Andy joins the hug. Patrick nods, "T-thank you, for saving m-me." He stutters out to both of us, his teeth chattering.

"We should get him back to headquarters." Joseph says urgently, him and Adam walking to the car to start it. I never let go of Patrick as Andy works furiously at the ropes binding his ankles and hands. After a few moments, Patrick is free and he gratefully hugs me back.

I slowly stand up with him still wrapped protectively in my arms- I won't let anyone touch him again. It'll only happen if it's over my dead body.

The car ride back is mainly silent, Andy and I just enjoying Patrick's presence. Once we are back, we bring him down to the basement, and Joseph brings down new, dry clothes. 

Dan, Phil, and the rest of the people who are staying here too tell me that they'll go upstairs so that Patrick can be alone for now. I thank them for their kindness and consideration, and as I go to follow them up the steps, Patrick's voice stops me, "No! Pete don't leave. H-he'll come back..." He whispers from the bed he is laying in, his voice quivering.

"It's ok Patrick, I'll be right back. Ian won't lay another finger on you, I promise." I soothe, smiling. He shuddered when I mentioned Ian, but he nods hesitantly anyways.

After I walk up the stairs I close the latch quietly and walk over to where Joseph, Adam, Andy, and the rest are sitting. Adam takes a sip of his drink before sighing contentedly, "I think it's time to get you all back home."

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