Chapter 18

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P.o.v Patrick

As I lay in Ian's bed, him fiddling his fingers through my hair as he cuddles up to me, he says. "I just wanted to let you know, Patrick, I think you're quite wonderful. I know I have Pete and Andy also, but you're special." He whispers into my ear, lightly kissing my cheek. I shudder at his touch, trembling at his words.

I want to go home. I want to be with Elisa. I hate this. I give up.

"Sir?!? Mr. Reynolds?!" A frantic voice yells up the stairs. Ian groans. "Leave, Joseph. Do your job." Ian yells back, his hand on my shoulder, holding me down.

"No sir! It's Pete and Andy! Please, come down." Joseph replies in a panic. I turn my head to look up at Ian and see him roll his eyes.

"I'll be back." He whispers. "Go get yourself cleaned up. Washcloths are in the closet, new clothes in the top drawer of the dresser over there." Ian explains in irritation, getting out of bed.

I jump up as soon as he shuts the door. I run to the bathroom, almost shuddering at my own image in the mirror. I don't look like me anymore. My nose is completely ruined, my lip cut, a gash near my eyebrow. Not to mention the countless bruises over my chest, back, and face. I lean in closer to the mirror, looking at my blackened ear. Sick bastard took a lighter and held my ear to it, sizzling it to a black crisp.

I wince as I poke it gently, making a face at the pain. Damn. I think I've lost weight too.

I look down at my hand tentatively, biting my lip as I unravel the bandage from my ring finger. As soon as the bandage is off, I wince at the dismembered stump. It looks like it's right out of the young blood chronicles, except this time it's my finger. It hurt a lot, the worst wound out of all of them. I turn to the closet behind me, cradling my hand as I search for another bandage. 

I find gauze and wrap it around the stump, stopping the bleeding once again.

After about 5 minutes, the dry blood is cleaned from my face, only open cuts and incisions left, but not bleeding anymore. I limp out of the bathroom and open the top drawer of the bureau he mentioned.

I rummage through it, pulling out an oversized white T-shirt along with the grey sweatpants he had given me earlier.

 "Are you kidding me, you fucking idiots?!" I hear Ian roar from downstairs. I sneak closer to the bedroom door, putting my non-burnt ear against it to listen.

"You let them escape?!" Ian booms, furious. "No, sir!! We went to go beat the shit out of them like you instructed, and that pete one got his hands out and grabbed a stick on the way to the shed. He ambushed us, and freed his friend. Mr. Reynolds, I'm so sorry. We already have men searching the neighborhood and town." The man named Joseph replies.

"Very well then. You are dismissed." Ian says in a tone that reads 'I'm going to act calm but in reality I'm pissed'.

"Thank you, sir. We'll get them back." Joseph responds. I hear footsteps clunking up the steps, so I quickly walk over to the bed, going back under the covers and closing my eyes.

The door slams open and I jump a mile from the loud sound it makes. "I know you're awake, Patrick. Sit up." Ian growls, storming over to the bed and getting a grip on my hair,  painfully pulling my head back.

I gasp from the pain, sitting up. He releases his grip and slaps me, probably reopening a cut. I hold my hand to my burning cheek when he grabs the back of my neck, pulling me in for a forced, gross kiss. I didn't kiss the demon back. I want to push him away so badly, but grip the sheets to stop myself, fearing what would happen if I do. He stops suddenly and leans his forehead on mine, breathing heavily. "Thank you. I needed that." He whispers, releasing the back of my neck and walking away. He rummages through his closet, pulling out rope after a couple of minutes- I tense at the sight of it as he walks towards me.

"Just to make sure you don't try anything..." He says, smirking. He puts his hand on my shoulder and forces me down on the bed. I feel the rope dig into my skin as he ties it tightly, my wrists immobile behind my back.

He crawls over me, and gets under the covers. He reaches over to the side table, pulling off it a scarf. He runs it through his fingers before turning back to me. I don't have time to resist before he forces it into my mouth, tying it behind my head.

He turns off the light and puts his arm around my trembling body. He shifts and I feel his hot breath on my ear, "Just the way I like you..." He whispers, lightly kissing my cheek before laying his head on my shoulder.

I sigh, letting out a quivered breath before closing my tear-filled eyes. I hope that wherever Pete and Andy are, they are safe, and getting help in a world where it's inhabitants are against us.

If anything ever gets too much, too disturbing, or if you want more of something or dislike something, please just drop me a comment or inbox<3 I'm open to opinions, concerns, and complaints!!

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