Chapter 20

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P.o.v Patrick

My smile grows wider as Pete enters the kitchen, followed by Andy, and surprisingly followed by Joseph and Adam. I feel happy tears prick my eyes, but soon anger and disappointment takes over. "You." I growl, marching forward. "You left me here! You fucking left me here, with him!!" I scream at Pete, pushing him away. "I hate you!" I yell, pushing him again.  "I-I hate you..." I repeat in exhaustion, allowing Pete to finally wrap his arms around me. I'm so tired of being angry.

"I'm so sorry Patrick... We didn't want to leave you, we didn't have a choice!" He says, his voice cracking. I let a sob escape my scratchy throat, grateful that he is here now.

"Shit, we need to go. Now." Joseph announces, urgency clear in his voice. I back away from Pete's grip, "What? No.... No..." I mutter, looking again at the mess I made. "Patrick, what do you mean!? Come on!" Pete insists, panicking. "We need to get the hell out of here, now!" Adam yells, looking frantically out of the window, seeing Ian's car pull up.

I feel my eyes widen, "No, no, no. I can't go. I can't go. He'll hurt me... He'll hurt me so much." I mumble, backing up until I hit the counter, sliding down it with my head in my hands. "Patrick!" Pete yells. "Look at me!" He yells again, and I do so, looking up at him through my blurry eyes. "We need to go! We can get you out of here, take you to safety!" He urges, approaching me.

I shake my head, "No, no what if this is a test? What if they're just testing us and Ian knows and he'll get mad and he'll hurt me and i'll be hurt and, and you guys too..." I say quickly, fear and panic running mercilessly through my veins.

I can feel myself hyperventilating. What if he catches us? I would be punished. "Forget him! We'll come back later, this mission is compromised!" Joseph yells, running for the back door. I look up at Pete, my lip quivering. "Come on!" He shouts, looking at me, then at the back door, and back to me. Everyone is already out. I slowly stand up, and he grabs my hand, pulling me towards the door just as Ian walks into the house.

Pete pulls me to the back door as Ian enters the kitchen, his smile disappearing as he sees what is happening. I panic and rip my hand from Pete's, stopping in my tracks. "Go!" I yell, and after hesitating with tears in his eyes, he sprints towards the car that is waiting. Ian drops the groceries he was carrying and storms past me to look out of the back door, seeing the black car speed away.

He grits his teeth in seething anger, slamming the door as hard as he can. I flinch, and feel tears fall. I am so pathetic...

Ian screams in frustration and anger, pacing angrily back and forth, pulling at his hair. "Was that them??" He roars, approaching me. I am in too much shock and fear to answer, opening my mouth but nothing coming out. His hand makes harsh contact with my cheek, causing an instant burning sensation. "Answer me!" He screams. "Y-yes..." I stutter, my breathing fast and jagged. "Goddammit!!" He yells in exasperation, kicking a chair over.

All I do is stand there, in pure fear. Why didn't I just run with them? Why am I so stupid? "You're lucky you didn't go with them." He growls dangerously, inches away from my face. "Because then I would be a very, very angry man." He says, his voice suddenly calm. "Now baby, did you make this mess?" He asks, placing his hands on either side of my head that is leaning against the wall.

I slowly nod, letting out a sob. "P-please...." I beg. "I-I didn't go, p-please. I'll clean up the mess. I p-promise..." I stutter, my whole body trembling uncontrollably. Oh god, please don't let him hurt me. I was never really religious but if there is a god out there, please help me. I beg you, please help me.

"Oh Patrick... Sweet, innocent little Patrick." He sighs in amusement, a smirk on his face. His hand moves quick, grabbing a fist full of my hair. He kicks my shin hard, and I fall to my knees in pain. He laughs menacingly, "You're going to pay for their mistake." 

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