Chapter 10

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P.o.v Andy

Patrick's screams and pleas for help reverberate throughout the mansion, and I feel so helpless and angry that I can't do anything to help him.

The door is locked and Pete even rams it a few times to make sure. While Pete paces back and forth restlessly, I sit in a tense silence with my eyes squeezed shut, waiting anxiously for the pained screams to stop.

After about 30 minutes or so they do stop- well actually, they don't, they just become quieter. We hear heavy footsteps clunking up the stairs, and Pete stops pacing while I shoot up from the bed. The door slams open, and Ian throws Patrick in, landing hard on the ground.

Patrick looks like shit- his face bruised, a gash on his left eyebrow, blood leaking from his nose, his lip cut, and his face tear stained; his eyes red and puffy. His shirt is barely clinging onto his body, and he is breathing heavily and unevenly when Ian leaves the room just as quickly as he came. Patrick turns over onto his side and curls into a tiny ball, sobs of pain and fear racking through his body.

Pete and I both drop to the ground next to his trembling body, wishing we can hug him and tell him everything is going be ok. I notice now that his shoes are missing, and his feet are filthy.

"Patrick? Patrick calm down, it's ok-" Pete begins, but is interrupted when Patrick flips, "No! It's not ok, Pete! You have no idea.... No idea..." He sobs, collapsing into my shoulder. "Then tell us Patrick, we're here for you." I coo gently, hoping he will calm down but he doesn't. "It hurts so bad, Andy... He..." Patrick can't even form sentences, his voice small and quivering.

 "Oh god...." I whisper. "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him." Pete says coldly, staring at the closed door as the faint sound of footsteps reach my ears.

The door opens again, and Patrick shoots up, scooting to a corner with his knees pulled up to his chest as Pete stands up in front of him to keep Ian away from Patrick.

Ian balls his fists, "Move out of the way, Peter." He demands calmly. "You're fucking sick, you know that? We, as the intelligent species, don't go around beating our pets, you demented bastard!" Pete yells, charging Ian with his shoulder, crushing him against the wall.

Ian knees Pete in the stomach, sending him flying to the ground, Ian's eyes glowing strangely. He grabs Pete and throws him onto the bed, reaching under it to grab a chain. He attaches a cuff to Pete's ankle, and the other end connects to the bed. Pete groans in pain as Ian unties his wrists, then he walks over to me, "Easy or hard way?" He asks condescendingly, cocking his head. "I'll take the hard way." I spit back at him, running into him as hard as I can, sending him backwards onto the ground. I stand up and recover quickly, kicking him in the stomach, proceeding to kick him in his stupid fucking head.

I go to send my foot down to meet his stomach again, but he grabs my ankle and pulls. I fall backwards, hitting my head off the ground. My vision goes blurry as Ian's figure comes into view.

I don't have time to react before he grabs the collar of my shirt and hauls me up, throwing me onto the opposite bed. He chains my ankle to the bed too before untying my hands, and begins walking over to Patrick who hasn't moved from his position on the ground. Ian looms above him, "Get away from him, asshole!" Pete yells, still curled from the pain in his stomach.

Ian sends him a glare, his eyes glowing furiously again, before he returns to Patrick, his eyes going back to their normal brightness. "Come along now, Patrick." Ian says gently. Patrick shivers at his words, looking up at him in fear, "P-please don't hurt me again." His voice pleads, trembling violently.

Ian crouches down to Patrick's eye level, and Patrick backs up even further into the wall, if that is possible. "You deserved that, baby." Ian responds. "And besides, I had fun. But don't worry, the punishment is over." He adds. reaching his hand out to stroke Patrick's cheek, but Patrick retracts his head from Ian's cold touch as Pete yells numerous profanities at Ian.

Ian grits his teeth but doesn't get mad, and roughly grabs Patrick underneath the arm and pulls him to the last bed. He chains Patrick's ankle, and unties his hands too before standing in the center of the room. He looks at me then at Pete, "I'll deal with the two of you tomorrow." He growls threateningly, walking out of the room before closing and locking the door behind him.

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