Chapter 14

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P.o.v Elisa

"Hello?" "Is this Elisa stump?" A masculine voice asks over the phone. "This is she, who am I speaking to?" I reply, wiping tears from my eyes. It is the 4th day Patrick has been gone, and I can't help but worry each minute that passes. "I am detective Richardson. I was told to contact you with new information about the disappearance. We located Joseph Trohman."

P.o.v Pete

What happened? Ugh.... All I remember was hugging Patrick then... Then, I think, Ian came back? Damn, I don't know.... I slowly sit up, realizing I am on the ground in front of the fireplace, my hands and feet bound tightly. "... The fuck?" I mumble to myself, looking around.

I see Andy by my side, just waking up, a dark bruise surrounding his right eye. "Do you remember what happened?" I whisper to him once he manages to sit up. He squeezes his eyes shut and opens them, repeating this a few times before shaking his head carefully, "No... Where's Patrick?" He replies.

I feel a heaviness drop onto my chest, "Whatever Ian is doing to him, it's my fucking fault." I say, feeling tears threaten to fall as my chest constricts and my head begins to ache.

"It's ok, Pete, it's not your fault." Andy replies, but I know he's lying to try and make me feel better. I shake my head, "It's not ok," I was going to add something else, but the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs distracts me. I turn my head towards where I know Ian and Patrick will be, and I almost want to throw up when Ian drags Patrick in.

Patrick's  face is all bloody and bruised, his eyes so red and puffy that I can barely see them. He must have a busted nose or something- it is bent at an awkward angle and still bleeding freely, the drops of red hitting the floor as they walk. Ian throws him to the ground in front of us, stepping on his back in triumph.

Ian smiles and sighs happily, admiring Patrick like an artist would admire their 'masterpiece'. I look down at Patrick in horror.

I finally let the tears fall.

"Patrick..." I whisper in a pained, quivering breath, my chest tightening to the point that I think my ribs may break from the pressure.

He doesn't respond, doesn't give any recognition of us. He only squeezes his eyes shut when Ian presses his boot down harder on his back. I look down at Patrick's hand that is laying near his head, noticing the top nub of his ring finger is missing, bloody gauze carelessly covering it.

I swallow hard, my throat scratchy and raw, "See Peter? This is why we don't disobey. What you see right now isn't even the worst of it. Is it Patrick?" Ian asks condescendingly, baring his teeth in a disgusting smile. "N-no." Patrick stutters, a trickle of blood pooling out of his mouth. "No... What?" Ian mocks, leaning down closer. Patrick's lip quivers violently as he closes his eyes once again, "No... Ian." He chokes out in a sob.

Ian looks pleased, "Patrick, what don't we do?" He asks with a proud smile. "Disobey." Patrick mumbles in reply, his body trembling. Ian lifts his foot from Patrick's back and kicks him hard in the stomach before returning his foot to its original position. "Speak clearly when you talk to me!" Ian screams, anger flaring up behind those poisonous eyes. Patrick flinches and I see a tear flow out past a dark bruise on his cheek, "Disobey!" He cries out loudly.

"Good boy. Now lets get you off to bed." Ian says, his voice turning sickly sweet. Then he turns his attention to Andy and I, an annoyance etched in the lines of his face, "My guards will take you two out to your new living quarters. You will stay there for the next three days, no food or water."

Ian lifts his foot off Patrick's back, grabbing his elbow, making him weakly stand up before dragging him back up the stairs.

I can't do anything besides remain speechless and stare into the carpet through blurry eyes, not noticing the two huge guys who walk into the living room.

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