Chapter 5

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**Thanks for all the comments, it means a lot<3**

P.o.v Patrick

When I wake up I yawn, stretching my legs and forgetting the cage is there to stop me. The room is still dark, but the light coming from underneath the door tells me it is morning.

I flip around onto my other side, facing the door. Wait... I lay for a few moments, and as if on cue, Texas opens the door.

She saunters over to me and opens the crate door, crouching down to my level, "Hey sunshine, today is a big day!" She says enthusiastically, smiling. She grabs my arm and pulls me out, helping me stand. It feels good to stretch, after being cramped up for an entire night.

It is hard to keep my balance with my ankles still attached to each other, so I hop while she leads me back out into the living room, her grip on my arm painfully hard.

I feel my eyes grow wide when I take in the room and find three bodies on the floor, my eyes tearing up.

I rip out of her grip and hop over to Pete, dropping to my knees next to him. "Pete, wake up!" I beg, leaning down and shaking him with my shoulder. He scrunches his nose in disgust before groggily opening his eyes, and when he sees me his eyes light up, "Patrick!" He yells in disbelief, sitting up to meet me in some sort of a weird looking hug, my head on his shoulder.

"I-I thought you were dead..." He says weakly into my shoulder. "Ok, cuddle time's over!" I hear Georgia's voice say in annoyance, and the grip on my arm is returned. I am pulled backwards and onto the couch.

Texas walks around to each of the guys, kicking Joe then Andy unapologetically hard to wake them up. She then walks to stand next to Georgia, and Texas puts her hands on her hips, "We're taking you home." She announces.

I give her a quizzical look. "Some place far, far away." Georgia adds. Far away? Like, out of the country? Then we'll really be screwed.

"No, Patrick. Not out of the country. Even farther than that." Texas sneers.

How... How did she know what I was thinking? 

"I know many things, Patrick." This is insane, impossible- it's a nightmare, it has to be.

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