Chapter 23

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P.o.v Adam

As soon as Patrick drops below the surface, Ian's boat speeds off. Most things are legal in this fucked up world we live in, but killing is definitely something against our law- even if the person getting killed is property. Andy takes no time in ripping his shirt off, along with kicking off his shoes.

He sprints towards the water, and despite it's coldness, dives right in.

P.o.v Andy

No. I'm not losing Patrick- I refuse. I swim hard, the freezing water ripping at my skin, my toes numbing. I paddle farther and farther as fast as I can, closing in on the spot Patrick went under.

I take a deep breath, diving beneath the surface, the cold prickling my face: but I don't let that stop me. I swim deeper and deeper, taking every valuable second I have to search through the dark water for Patrick. I run out of air and return to the surface, only to dive back under immediately after taking a deep breath.

There. Something on the bottom catches my eye. My happiness sparks as I swim closer, discovering the 'something' is Patrick. I grab his arm, only to find the cinder block is still attached to him, lodged into the sandy bottom of the frosty lake.

I'm running out of breath- but I can't leave him now, it might already be too late. I glance at his peaceful face- his eyes gently closed - before I attempt to get the chains off, failing miserably. I grab a rock from the sand, hitting it repeatedly in the same spot of the chain. Finally, it brakes, allowing me to grab Patrick easily. And in that mere minute that it took to set him free, I am back to the surface, completely weak and out of breath, but successfully with my best friend in my arms.

It takes me about two minutes to get back to shore; it's not easy carrying dead weight while you're trying to keep your own head above the water.

Pete rushes into the water, taking Patrick from my arms and dragging him out of the lake, laying him gently down on the sand. I run up to them, kneeling down next to his motionless body. 

What if we're too late?

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